Arc 2 (Chapter 12)

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They hunted the Ship that Hector's ride with Careful

"Pay attention on front look if there's a small ship ahead" said Drake

"That Ship is really small but its fast" said Sieg

"Im afraid we Can't catch up to it" said Mash

"Don't say that kind of thing we have to be optimistic Mash San" said Okita


"" said Asterios

"We Will save her Asterios so as now you need to Focus on your healing and don't do anything that can make your wound got worse" said Mash

"Come on cheer up everybody on this ship wont abandon her" Drake tries to cheer him up

"......" Asterios finally calmed down


"What's wrong Mash ?" Ask Fujimaru

"Oh its just Drake's personality it's so confusing i don't know if She's a villain or a good person" said her

"Boss there's a Storm up ahead"

"Ah Dammit at the time like this. Everyone tied yourself to the Ship! There's a Storm coming" said her

"What ?! *Cough*" Okita suprised

"Fou... Fou"

"Fou san get to the Captain's office you'll be safe There" said Mash

"Well guess we have to tied ourselves now" said Shirou

"Shirou stop making a joke" said Fujimaru

"That's not a Joke" he replied.

The ship began to Sail through the storm with a rough sea Drake's steeering the ship to avoid a big waves that might make the Ship flip

"Woaaah.... What should.... We do Boss ?" Ask the Crew

"Shut up im thinking. Um.... The Distance of us and that Ship how much is it ?" Ask her

"Well the Storm has a small range so it'll be a tailwind for them" said the Crew

"So if we.... but the armor oh i forgot we used that for the armor. wait Ah that's it!!" Suddenly Drake got a plan

"Alright i have Good News and Bad News Boys!! Which one do you want to hear ?" ask Drake

"The bad News" said Shirou

"The Hector guy that kidnapped Euryale wont be affected by this storm if we sit tight we probably wont catch after him" said her

"So the Good News" said him again

"Rejoice, guys! We're gonna raise all sails
to and cruise at top speed in this storm!" Shout her

Fujimaru remembered Woz after Drake saying Rejoice (Iwae)

'well that Rejoice and The tone of her voice almost the same as Woz' He said in his heart

"How's that a good News" said Mash

"Shut up or you'll get the boot. Now Asterios, Mash, Artemis, Orion, Okita, let's get moving and you three (Fujimaru, Shirou, Sieg) also helping" said Drake

"Boss! There's a ship coming" said the crew

"What kind of Ship ?" Asked her

"It's a big ship but its Looks kinda Beat up" said him

"A ghost ship perhaps. This Is Looks like in a novel" said Roman

"A ghost ship well this the first time Ive seen it" said Shirou

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