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—————————————————— EPILOGUE ——————————————————

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A high pitched scream escaped from my vocal cords. I woke up breathing heavily, my mind was still fixed on those jet black eyes.

I was not able to assess what happened to me till then. I looked around to see myself seated in the car. Our blue Pontiac.

A Dream!

I felt crazy of myself. All of the things happened was in my dream?! How can I remember every single thing from that dream in fine details?

" What's wrong babe?" I saw Leon's worried eyes scanning my face. He had braked the car to stop when he heard my scream.

I threw myself onto him and hugged him tightly. " You are alive. Thank god, you are alright." I murmured to myself.

Leon broke me from the hug and inspected me at his arm's length.
" What's wrong dear? What happened?" He asked in his soothing voice and caressing my cheeks wiping my tears away. But there were rolling down uncontrollably.

" I think we should call the police." I stuttered at my own idea. Why my mind says I should go and help Kelly and Jimmy? I felt like they are still trapped in there. I strongly believed my dream was true. But who is going to believe me?

Maybe Leon will.

" Babe. Call the police. I know where Kelly and Jimmy are." I said boldly. I made up my mind to face the consequences even if I was wrong.

" Kelly.. Jimmy.. They are those missing couple right. But how do you know where they are??" Leon asked me the most sensible question. But the answer for it was nonsensical even to myself.

" I saw them. " I mumbled.

" Where dear? I was with you the whole time. You haven't even left this car also." Leon asked me with concern.

" I saw them in my DREAMS Leon. " My voice bellowed inside our small car.

" Babe. It doesn't make any sense dear. Are you awake? Are you sleep talking?" Leon gave me a rough shake on my shoulders.

" I am wide awake babe. Please trust me in this." I picked up the phone and dialed 911. "I think they need our help."

I called the police and informed them that I found Kelly and Jimmy at the woods. I gave them the location I saw in my dreams.

I convinced Leon at last and directed him to drive to the same woods. But I didn't dare to go inside. We waited till the rescue squad arrived.

To my surprise we found them.

That place was different from that of my dream. No sounds were blocked in that place unlike the dream. Also there wasn't any sight of a Blue Pontiac in that clearance among the trees. Even no boy was found there.

Instead there was a mudpile with tiny green grasses growing around it.

The policemen shovelled the mud out to retrive them

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The policemen shovelled the mud out to retrive them.

The bodies of Kelly Hazel and Jimmy Anson.

Its been a week since that night. The night at woods when I stayed wrapped in a blanket with Leon hugging me tight in the car of the rescue squad.

Till this date I didn't know how I got that weird dream and who was that boy with jet black eyes.

But still I wished deep inside.

I wished I could have seen them in real. Atleast for once.

I wished to see Kelly and Jimmy with the same smiles of their photograph but not on the MISSING notice.


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