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—————————————————— INTO THE WOODS ——————————————————

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"Please Help..My son.. "

The lady continued to sob, holding my hands. I turned back to look at Leon not knowing whether we could help her or not.

My husband nodded in agreement at my confused look. I realized we were close enough to converse without words.

I opened the car door and helped the lady get in the back seat.
Leon drove along the directions given by the lady. She was very anxious and in a hurry making Leon speed up, than the normal.

I looked at her frail figure, her jeans were almost soaked in blood. She was constantly looking ahead the road with tears still brimming her eyes. I felt sorry for her.

" Can I tend to your wounds?" I asked her out of concern. Her knees were bleeding badly.

"I am.. Fine.." Her voice had not lost the shiver of her body.

"What exactly happened to your son?" I asked with utmost calmness in my voice. It was a sensitive question.

"In the woods.. woods...." Fresh tears started rolled down her cheeks along with her words.

I felt more sorry for her and didn't ask more bothering questions. Woods are not a good place to be at night. That too for a child he is certainly in more danger.

Leon stepped on the gas when he heard the lady.
"Its not safe." My husband murmured in a tense tone.

Yes he was right.

We took a right turn from our usual road to home and reached a dense part of the woods which I had never been to.

"Its here.. right thereee... inside..." The lady ran out of the car immediately as Leon parked at the edge of the woods.
The leaves rustled through the breeze at night as we stepped out.The chill of night was quite bearable than usual. Hoots of owls surrounded us in the dark night.

" Excuse me. Please wait." I called and went after her while Leon hurried to open the car trunk.
She started moving faster in spite of her wounds. I had to jog along to pace up with her.

Leon got out two flashlights from the trunk. He shone one from behind illuminating the path since we were almost 2 feet ahead of him. The light cast shadows of us on the muddy path.

Thank god I chose to wear sneakers today and not my routine high heels.
I would have been lying flat on my face if I had my heels on. Still sneakers didn't help me much to jog in pace with all those tiny pebbles lying around.

" Careful Babe." He voiced from behind when I tripped on a pebble and fell on the lady.

"Oops sry.. "I apologized quickly when she turned at me with her worried eyes.

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