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-Y/n's POV-
I grabbed a black hoodie, Black ripped jeans and quickly slipped them on. I shoved a few cans of spray paint in my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder. I used my Semi-Human mutant form which is basically a human with dark green almost black scales covering my whole body, sharp claws on my hands and a scaly tale that i wrap around my body and tuck under my clothes. I snuck out of the window in my room and stood on the fire escape before quickly skipping down them and running a few streets down into an alley.

I slowly began spraying some paint onto the wall of the alley over someone else's work that was basically just scribbles and swearwords. I only spray paint to relive stress and anger, today was an especially hard day because i failed a humanities test and the teacher requested to speak to my parents, The parents that i do not have. I sprayed a quick image of an eye and grabbed our my red paint. I slowly sprayed under the eye to make it seem as if the eye was crying blood and as it dripped down the wall i herd an angry voice yell at me. "HEY! Don't you have anything better to do?"

I quickly turned in the direction of the voice and saw 2 silhouette approaching from far away one of them speeding up to catch me. I pulled my hood over my head and sprayed my fake signature i'm next to my illustration in a rush before bolting away. "GET BACK HERE YOU IDIOT" The angry male voice yelled out to me. I herd his foot steps quicken signaling that he was now running for me. I ran quickly all the way down the alley with now 2 sets of footsteps chasing me before i was cut off in a dead end.

"Well, well, well nowhere left to run hey?" The angry man chuckled from behind me. I don't want to be recognized by my voice or tracked down for it so i altered my voice box to make it sound deeper and more robotic, barley even human. "C'mon bring it on then creep" I called out to him in the voice. Both the people gasped and stood shocked in the shadows. "What the hell, Why the fuck does your voice sound like that?" He spoke loudly making the other person with him laugh.

"Shut your mouth and fight me already" I barked back. "Alright but don't act so thought when i beat you to a pulp" He snickered and stepped towards me. The other person next to him also stepped forward but the angry guy told him to back of because he "had this". Suddenly he ran at me and attempted to hit me in the face i ducked down and grabbed the back of he's knees and pulled them forwards causing him to fall onto his back. As he fell i jumped back and had a proper look at him. He was a mutant turtle with a red bandana wrapped around his bright green eyes.

"How many mutants are in this city" I said surprised but still in the deep voice. "What you gotta problem with it or something" He growled as he picked himself of the floor and stood in a battle stance. I simply grumbled and un-coiled the tail from under my jumper, whipping it around angrily. "Ah! Raph he's a mutant to" The other person with a familiar voice called out. "HEY WHO YOU CALLING HE?" I yelled out angrily to him. As i was yelling at the other guy, the mutant "Raph" pushed me into a wall and knocked the air outa me. This made my blood boil.

I ran forward to him quickly enraged by his actions. Before he could react i smacked him over the head before speeding of into the shadows and running back out of them over and over again smacking his face over and over again from different directions. "FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN YOU SCALY FUCK" He yelled as i laughed like a mad man. "Though talk for some one who seems like his anger is as short as him" I giggled happily. The guy who came with him cackled at my joke "HAHAHA THEY ARE RIGHT RAPH HAHA" He laughed loudly, Suddenly his voice clicked with me. Casey, Casey jones from my english and science class. This dude was walking around with a mutant wtf? Suddenly my arm was grabbed.

I was thrown to the ground and held down. He towered over me caging me with his strong arms. I quickly kicked him of me and into the brick walls. He's head dropped and he made a loud groan. "Whoops" i said turning to Casey. He audibly gulped and pulled out a phone. The phone rang and Casey answers quicker than a flash. "LEO THERES A CRAZY MUTANT HERE HE TOOK OUT RAPH" He rambled nervously. "DONT ASSUME ME GENDER" I yelled out to him walking forward ready to teach him a lesson. "GET HERE QUICK CALL DONNIE TO" He yelled hanging up the phone and pulling the baseball bat of his back. "Let's dance" I giggled as i walked forward to him.

We circled each other for a while waiting for someone to strike first. As i was about to jump forward and punch him someone called out to us. "Face Justice!" It called from the top of the building. "God that's lame" I chuckled as he jumped down followed by 3 other people. "Yeah LAMEanardo" One of them laughed swinging his nunchucks. All of them stepped forward showing their green mutant faces. Only 3 of them were mutants the same as the angry turtle but wearing different colored bandanas. The other person was... April, The girl from my math class whom i do NOT get along with. What the hell is up with these people and hanging around mutant turtles. "It seems like you and Raphael got of on the wrong foot, Let is introduce ourselves." The turtle with the blue bandana said calmly.

"I don't care who you guys are, Fight me!" I said angrily. Another groan was heard from Raphael who seemed as if he had a concussion. "Wow they took out Raph, They must be some kind of supper mutant!" The childish sounding turtle with a yellow bandana said. "Leo if you don't mind i would like to take this mutant to the lair and run some test on it" The turtle to the left wearing a purple bandana whispered the the blue one. "I CAN HEAR YOU! I AINT GOING NOWHERE" I yelled angrily throwing my duffel bag to the floor ready to fight. "That's amazing hearing you have there" April said sounding surprised.

"Enough talking c'mon" I growled as i grew impatient. The mutant turtle in the blue did some hand signals to the others and they all charged at me at the same time. I jumped up high causing Casey and the purple bandana wearing mutant to crash into each other. The mutant with the nunchucks managed to wrap his chain around my leg and pull me harshly to the ground. i grabbed the chain and flung him around trying to get him to hit the other mutant with the swords, But he dodged every time. I eventually let the nunchuck turtle go and he crashed into the brick alley walls. I turned to the last turtle standing and growled "Let's go pretty boy" He gasped in surprise. "Y-You think i'm pretty" He stuttered shyly. I chucked "Ha yeah pretty ugly" someone from behind me laughed and said "Im gonna use that one" referring to the joke i made.

The blue turtle's posture immediately stiffened "Raph shut up" He said angrily. As he was slightly distracted i looked around and saw the purple bandana-ed turtle struggling to stand up and April tending to Casey's head wounds that were caused because he head butted the gap-toothed turtles head. I heard LAMEanado pull out his swords and i immediately blocked with my arm. "Holy wow! Your scales are as hard as armor" He said with his eyes wide. I pushed him away from me and stood back getting ready to attack. Before i could I felt a sharp pain in my leg i looked down and saw a dart. My legs immediately went limp and i fell to the ground. Tranquilizer darts, Seriously? My head slowly went fuzzy and i began to pass out. "Uggh fuck yo-" I whispered as i fell into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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