Chapter 9

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"Harish, I'm leaving...did Shruti leave? She's not in the theatre room." Kriti came in.

"She what?" Arjun asked.

"She never leaves without telling us." Harish said.

"She did tell us to leave when she left." Kriti said.

"But we decided to wait for her. I also texted her that we were waiting." Harish said.

"Arjun ran to the theatre room and saw no clue of Shruti but what he did saw was a packet on the floor.

"This is Shruti's" he thought.

"There is no way she left this on the floor. Something happened to her." Kriti said.

"Don't freak out, we'll find her." Arjun said as he looked around for more clues.

"Sir, Sally came to tell us that Jenny told her this. She said Mrs. Rodriguez was calling her." Harish said.

"Where is Jenny. Go find her." He said.

"I don't have her number." They both said.

"I swear if something happens to Shruti, Jenny is dead." Arjun said as the two friends stood there confused, shocked and surprised.

"Arjun ran to the security cameras to see if there was any clue. He already expected the videos to be not recorded and as he thought of it, it wasn't recorded. He looked through the other cameras and saw a particular person that led him to realize who it was.

"Mother fucker James. He got released I see." He said after he called his good friend Kavin.

"Kavin...tell me if James is released." He said.

"One sec da." He said as he searched him up.

"Released a week ago." He said after checking.

"Messing with my girl? Huh?" He was angered to hear this.

Arjun was the one who caught James who was trying to sell women into human trafficking. He went to the place where James was usually found and he knew how dumb James was.

"Hands up." Arjun shouted as James looked at him shocked.

"Here we go again...why can't you leave me alone?" James asked.

"Leave these girls." He said shocked to see Jenny and Shruti on the ground unconscious.

"Shr..." he was about run to her as his heart pleaded but he let his mind decide and arrested James and called his gang.

"Look James, you don't want to mess with Arjun." Arjun said as he covered his face and helped the others wake the girls up.

"Sir, they are fine." The nurse said as Shruti woke up rubbing her eyes.

"Arjun!!" She shouted in excitement getting up only to realize, it was not Arjun but a guy with a mask. Arjun adjusted the mask cause he knew how smart Shruti was.

Shruti kept looking at him weirdly as Jenny and Shruti were taken away. Arjun stood behind them looking at Shruti and kicked James as he walked away.

"Why does he have a mask on? Who is he?" Shruti asked the police officer who were waling her to the car.

"That's Ar.." She started.

"It's better if I tell you who I am." He said changing his voice and tone.

"I am Aravind Prasad and I am a CBI. Undercover cop and so you cannot see me face. Sorry about that." He said in one go.

"What?" Shruti asked as she looked at him very deeply.

"You..look like.." She started but he stopped her.

"Look maam, your car is here so...please get back to your Uni." He said as Shruti nodded and he walks away.

The next morning, Arjun was in the classroom very early and to his surprise, Shruti came inside the classroom with nobody inside.

"The class does not start till 9 maam." He said.

"I need to talk to you Arjun..." She said stretching his name in a serious tone.

"What is it?" He asked turning to his laptop.

"Who are you?" She asked

"What? you have some kind of amnesia or did James..." He paused.

"Shit." He mentally thought to himself as she stood unaffected.

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