10. "No more mistakes."

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I ignored Jo for two weeks.

Seriously two whole weeks.

The first few days she started blowing my phone with text messages. At the fourth day she sent me "Ignore me if you have gone back home"

I never texted her back so I guess she just assumed I left.

I could have.

But I didn't. Something kept telling me to stay. Everytime I decided I was going to book a trip back home, I just couldn't do it.

My phone rang and I realized it was Alison.

"Hey lover boy" she said once I answered.

"Why are you calling me? We haven't talked in two weeks." I asked her quite rudely.

"Wow there. Someone's got their panties in a twist today" she sang playfully and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want? I'm not in the mood" I said.

"Oof so I guess this Jo you love so much haven't broken up with that baby daddy of hers"

I sighed. "I don't even know. I just stopped responding to her"

She paused for a second. "Why though?" I could imagine her having a disgusted face.

"Because I'm going back home"

"Okay, when?"

I didn't answer.

"If you really wanted to leave, you would have done that centuries ago" she said sarcastically.

"I don't know what I want to do, Alison" I ran a hand through my hair. 

"You want to go back there, tell her how you feel and smooch the fuck out of her"

I rolled my eyes. "Remind me why can't I do that?"

"She's married and she has a daughter?"


"Okay, we'll go to her together"

"How is that any different?"

"Uhhh, she's going to get jealous?" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Duh!"

"No, she won't. Who gets jealous anymore? We're not in high school"

"When you're in love you do stupid shit like a dumb teenager. She won't like it"

"She doesn't even care anymore. She has stopped texting me"

"Okay, and what are you trying to prove with that behavior, mister?" she scolded me.

"We are not going to make Jo jealous, Alison. Jo doesn't get jealous"

At that I heard a knock on my door. 

"I'll call you back, okay? Someone's knocking" I told her and hung up.

I stood up from my bed and when I opened the door I felt I hard slap on my left cheek immediately.

"Ouch!" I whined and grabbed my throbbing cheek while I looked at the person.

It was Jo.

A very very angry Jo.

"I hope I just slipped the hearing aids off your ears because I'm about to yell at you like I've never had before"

Okay, she was angry, but I hadn't heard her voice in two week and I have to tell you that the angry tone of her voice was the hottest thing ever. 

The Sound of a Heartbreak. (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now