Chapter 2

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The lead warrior of the Zelkova pack, Del was doing the nightly perimeter check. A few other warrior wolves and the pack Beta was on his flank.

"Hey Ash, there's tracks here..." one of the warriors called out through mind link.

Each wolf stopped in it's tracks, low growls erupting in all directions.

Ash getting in front of Del to follow after the tracks that lead around their border.

"Smells like another wolf..." Ash's voice boomed in the other's heads.

"That's impossible, the only packs around here... do you think it's an Amity member?"

"I don't think so... that smell goes out around here," Del growled, lifting his ears towards the trees.

The sound of a stick breaking in the distance alerted the 4 wolves. They all ran off towards the sound, creating a v shaped formation to protect the Beta wolf.

Catching sight of two figures, a smaller male and another who was taller than the other.

Darting towards both of them, the taller male shoved the shorter one out of the way. The two other warriors chased after the fairy, while Ash and Del stood in fighting stance in front of the male.

Shifting into a wolf before their eyes. Ash, not taking another second lunged at the wolf's throat. Del biting into the wolf's side.


"Alpha Zelkova, the others haven't come back from the perimeter run yet. Should we send out more pack members?"

Feral looked at the fellow pack member that walked into the room.

"Yes, just for extra precautions," the male replied.

Kassius passed out nearly automatically at the large animals attack, his powers giving out and he returned to his human form. His body working slower than usual to help the male recover.

Kassius found himself in a dark place before he heard noises and started fighting harder to open his eyes. As he took a sharp breath, finding he couldn't move so he jerked roughly fighting the restraints.

He grunted and tried to speak but his throat hurt, plus his head was pounding. Looking around to see where he was, only to start to panicking more. Kassius' thoughts were unclear which didnt help him in this situation.

His breathing quickened as he tried to glance around more to get his bearings.

"Fuck...n-no no no..." Kass muttered as he then remembered the small fairy and growled. His muscles flexed more trying to free his limbs.

The healer noticed that Kassius had awoken,

"Hey, hey, stop struggling. It'll make it worse," the older gentleman said.

"Go get Feral and Ash. he's awake," the guy told one of the nurses.

"Who are you son?" The healer asked.

Kassius peered towards the voice and stopped, "w-where am i." He blinked a few times and then double taked over the guy, once his vision cleared more. "...k-kassius?" He answered cautiously almost as if questioning his own person.

"Kassius, alright. Well I'm Thomas, the pack healer. I work in the infirmary-"

The man quickly shut up upon hearing the Alpha's footsteps. Pushing open the door, so that Feral and Ash could walk in.

Two males came into the room, the shorter one of the two stood off to the side. Kassius recognizing him as one of his attackers.

Ash glared at him, while Feral came closer.

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