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"You're going to kiss him at his dad's work party." Said Isabel as she paced back and forth. The party was in a week and a half and she was determined to get us to kiss each other then. I shook my head and sighed.

"Too soon." I said.

"You've known him for ten years for hells sake." She said looking at me. "It's not too soon. Besides you said said you've like him for like two years, how is it too soon?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'm just not ready, and I don't think I should kiss him. What if I suck at kissing? I've never kissed anyone." I said sighing. I did however want Max to be my first kiss, if I could get him to kiss me.

"I bet you don't suck at kissing." Said Isabel rolling her eyes. She smiled and stopped pacing. "New Years. A New Years kiss."

"No." I said sighing. "I'm probably not going to just kiss him, I'll just tell him how I feel." I said. I grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl between us.

"That's a good start, you'll have to tell me all the details when I get back from Spain." Isabel crossed the room and looked out the window.

"Oh yeah you're going to be gone for the next three weeks." I said sighing. "I'll tell you everything as soon as you get back. Are you excited for your trip?" I asked.

"All we're doing is visiting relatives." She shrugged. "And seeing Spain, but I've already seen that a lot." She laughed.

"It's still cool though. Last time I went on vacation was with my mom too Los Angeles too see her friend." I said sighing. "I was like thirteen."

She laughed, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll go on a lot of vacations when you're older." She smiled. "Did you ever hear from Stella?"

"No." I shook my head. "I wonder what she's up to."

"She's twenty three right?" Isabel asked, I nodded. "She's probably married or something." Isabel laughed.

"Last time I talked to her she had a boyfriend." I laughed and shrugged. "I don't know."

"Hopefully you'll have a boyfriend soon too." She said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I wish." I laughed.

"I told you, I think in six months you guys will be dating." She said smiling at me. "Just remember don't lose hope."


After Isabel left for Spain and the Christmas party was getting closer I felt like I was drowning. Isabel told me I should kiss him but that didn't feel right. I also had no one to talk to about this now. Max kept asking to hang out and I finally let him come over after I decided that I wouldn't kiss him, despite Isabel's requests.

Once Max came over he seemed in a better mood than he had been in for the past little while. I was still worried about him though, he seemed so bipolar sometimes. "How've you been?" I asked him as he sat next to me on the couch.

"I feel great!" He said smiling. "Sorry I haven't been able to hang out in the past week, I've been busy. You see my mom was worried about me because she said I was acting to depressed, just like after Michael died. She took me to the doctor. Naturally, he gave me some pills. I don't know what they are but they really are helping. Honest. Well they help before they wear off, but then I'm just as much as an emotional train wreck I was before. But hey, live in the moment right?" He asked laughing. It was so weird to see him like this because this wasn't how he acted either. Max seemed to by hyped up when ever he took those drugs that doctors prescribed.

"Are they the 'happy pills'?" I asked him. Right after Michael had died the doctor gave him some pills that everyone called happy pills. Max still didn't remember what they were called but he knew they helped for awhile.

"I don't know." He said sighing softly. "They probably are." He said, but then a smile returned to his face. "But anyways, aren't you excited for the Christmas party?" He asked me.

I nodded, "I am. I hope it's as good as last years party." I said smiling. Max's dad was always so nice for letting us come to his work parties. They were always at a high end casino on the strip and everyone was so nice.

"Me too." Said Max standing up. "I drank three cups of coffee before I came here and I feel like I could run a marathon." He said as he started walking around my living room.

"I was wondering why you seemed so hyper." I said as I fixed my gaze on him as he walked around. He stopped on a framed picture and picked it up, examining it.

"I remember this." He said softly, his voice suddenly changed. "When we were eleven, Michael was still alive then. Look he's in the background." Max walked over to me and showed me the picture. Of course I didn't have to look at it to know Michael was in it.

"We look so little in this." I said laughing softly. He turned the picture back towards himself and nodded.

"We always thought you would be the taller one, but look at us now." He said grinning. He had at least a good inch on me. Max was always shorter growing up though.

"Yeah." I said laughing at looking at him. Max was smiling as he studied the photo for another minute. "Times were easy back then, ya know?" He asked setting the photo back down where it was before.

"I do know." I said. Except for me it was easier because I didn't have to worry about all these feelings. Of course I had Isabel to talk too but she was in Spain right now. "Before girls and everything." I added.

"Yeah." He said turning to face me. "When are you going to ask Isabel out?" He asked. This caught me off guard.

"W-what? I'm never going to ask her out." I said looking at Max. I wish I could've just told him then and there, but the time wasn't right. "We're just friends."

"You know," Max chuckled softly looking at the other pictures around the mantle. "When you first started hanging out with Isabel, I was jealous. I mean I knew she was just your friend but I felt like, I dunno. I felt over protective of you, but that's not the right word." He finished. Good thing his back was turned to me because I felt my face heat up.

"That's the way I felt when you were with Macy." I admitted. It was harder than I thought and I was praying Max wouldn't turn around. My face was still burning red.

"Hmm, really? That's kinda funny. When I was dating Macy, I never really felt connected to her. I mean I loved her, but more like a friend. Maybe that's why I let her cheat so many times." He laughed softly, almost a pained laugh. "Sometimes it just didn't feel right to date her."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew not to get my hopes up. Maybe if Max didn't feel right with Macy he'd feel right with me. I had to push those thoughts away. I mean we were just friends, right?

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