Wreck Prt 2

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Author's Note: Sorry for the wait, I've been having back-to-back hospital visits and check ups on my leg post-surgery. Hope you enjoy
Possible Trigger/PTSD Warning
*Mention of traumatic event*

Y/N p.o.v
I never thought I would find closure in not being able to see something. Yet the surrounding sounds  more than made up for what I didn't see, and from what I heard, I'm certainly glad that I wasn't. A dull ringing disguised most of everything, but I couldn't seem to shake the sounds of children crying for their mothers, of the sounds of shoes scuffling across the bitumen road and remnants of what used to be a bus, or the sounds of on-lookers ordering someone to call 9-1-1. The strong odour of fuel still swarmed the area, a throbbing sensation soon overcame me, but I was still numb. Everything was numb

"Hold on just a little longer, you're gonna be ok," A sudden voice appeared out of the ever-growing darkness that has surrounded me almost the entire time since I first smelled that strong odour  which belongs to fuel, "We need a medic over here, she's loosing a lot of blood!"
Silence soon regained its grip on me soon after those words were spoken.

  Time skip brought to you by an overprotective older brother

A beeping sound graces my senses as I slip back into the cruel, merciless reality that is our world. As I open my eyes, light washes in at an intense rate, nearly blinding me. The entire left side of my torso is aching intensely, with a tad sensation of numbness. I try to fight this groggy feeling as I struggle to prop myself on my elbows. However, I soon find the fault in my plan, as I begin falling back to the bed I was previously laying in. My brother, whom I just realised was in my prescience, rushes to catch my left side before it makes contact with sheets and a mattress. Pain shoots through me at a rapid rate as his hands make contact with my torso, it was then that I decided to look at the source of my troubles and pain. I saw it, my left arm was gone, with nothing left but a little stump.

Yarichin Bitch Club x Fem readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora