7 - Suki

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Xue continued to show me around the large building, but I still couldn't process it all. I really was kidnapped by NCT...oh my fucking god.

"And this is your room!" She says and opens the door for me. I walk in an my mouth drops. It was basically an apartment! I was expecting something like a hotel room but it had a whole ass living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It was so much nicer than my apartment that I shared with the girls.

"I- it's an apartment." I state.
"Yep! NCT treat their members a guests very well and since you will be staying here until further notice you will be treated nicely. Also because you are here, you will have to benefit NCT in some way or another. Everyone here has a job." She states causing me to look at her with wide eyes.
"I won't have to kill anyone, right?" She laughs at my question before smiling.
"Silly, no. We have people for that. You're majoring in computer science, right?" She question and I nod. "You are of use then. That will be your main doing when here. You will have physical training too of course, but every has to go through that." She says making my mouth drop.
"I'm not athletic at all! If anything I'm weak!"
"That's why you will be going through training! Everyone here is required to learn self defense. Once you finish that you can decide if you'd like to continue or not." She says making my shoulders deflate.
"And when does that start?" I sigh out.
"Tomorrow morning! And don't worry about going down by yourself. Lucas will be here to get you." She states.
"Lucas?" I question.
"Oh, right! I forgot to tell you! Lucas will be somewhat of your bodyguard when here. He's the main fighter of our team and teaches the self defense class along with other fighting classes." She says.
"Why would I need a body guard?" I ask in confusion.
"Well, he's not really going to be your body guard. He just been assigned to look after you while you're here so you don't do anything stupid. You probably won't have to deal with him much though. After all, since you're more so tech savvy you'll probably spend most of your time with Hendery and most likely Doyoung. Probably even my fiancé, Kun." She states making me nod. "Anyway, here's your phone. Just keep in mind that you're being monitored through your phone, so don't do anything stupid. Someone will be by to drop off clothing to you. Is there anything else you need?" She asks. I slowly take my phone from her hand while looking at her. Not so much stuff I need...I just still have so many unanswered questions!

"My lap top and school work would be nice. I still have so many questions though!" I tell her.
"I know. I'm sure you do." She says with an understanding tone. "However, I have to get back to my job. You're questions can be answered along the way while you are here."
"Wait, will I see you again?" I ask making her look at me oddly.
"Sorry, that came off weird. I'm just scared and you obviously speak Chinese. I'm not so fluent in Korean yet and you're really friendly." I say making her smile widely.
"You'll be okay! Lucas is extremely friendly. He also speaks Chinese and English, so you will be able to communicate with him easily. And to answer your question, you will probably see me here and there. I'm the boss' assistant, so I'm often running around or doing work in the main office." She explains making me nod. What she said eased me fire some odd reason, but I was still extremely scared and nervous.

"I must be going now. I'll see you sometime! Don't be shy to come out and look around." She says with a smile before bidding me goodbye and leaving me alone in the apartment like room I got to call mine. Everything was white and it looked like a traditional Korean apartment. To the left of the door was a small kitchen and to the right was a bathroom. The main area had a nice flat screen tv and couch. Next to the tv was a wooden stair case that lead up to a loft where the bed was. I slowly walk over to the sofa and plop down on it, staring blankly at the tv.

What am I suppose to tell Sasa, Yeseul and Lily? Will they let me go to school? What about my job? What do I tell my parents? Actually, they wouldn't care....well? My parents were odd. They didn't really act like parents. You see, they are extremely rich and worked hard for the money they got. However, it was also because my family came from old money. We were those crazy rich Asians of Singapore. It didn't make it any better that they were young when they had me. My mother never wanted children and wasn't very fond of having kids. I was a mistake pretty much. She loves me, don't get me wrong, but I kind of became like a token in her eyes. I had to be better. I had to be better than my cousins and anyone else my age in my family. They wanted me to go to a high end university so they weren't very happy when I chose Seoul National University or my major. The only thing they approve of is my modeling, which I've been doing for a long time. You see I went to Korea to escape them. Also for the fashion and beauty scene of course. This is why I share an apartment with my friends. I have to pay for my schooling almost all on my own since my parents don't approve. They ask often when I'm going to come back and what not, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to. I love living in Seoul, besides the gangs and stuff.

I slump back into the couch thinking of what I'd tell my friends and work place. I could just say I had to fly back to Singapore for a while due to family complications. I felt bad for lying though. What about my schooling?! I've put so much time and money into my degree it's be so stupid to just drop it! I groan out and rub my face. I felt so nasty at the moment, but I had no clean clothes to change into if I were to take a shower. What to do, what to do? I quickly jump as I hear knocking on the door. Standing up I walk over and open it up only to see a short girl with a wide smile on her face. I had to be at least a foot taller than her. She held a duffle bag in hand and wore relatively comfortable clothing.

"Hi! I'm Suki! You're Yvi right?" She questions out.
"Uh- yeah." I respond awkwardly.
"Well, I'm just here to bring some of your stuff by. I'm sure someone will go get more later, but this was all they managed to get for now." She says and shoves the black duffel bag toward me.
"That was fast." I respond and take it from her.
"They like to get stuff done quickly around here. Trust me, I know. Speaking of quickly, did you know that cheetah's are the fastest land animals." I watch the girl in awe as she babbles on. She just kept going and going while I stood there awkwardly.
"Suki, leave the girl alone." I hear a masculine voice tease out causing me to snap from my thoughts. I look over her head with no issue only to see a group of four guys walking past on the other end of the room. My eyes widen as I noticed something. Two of the four guys were the ones I saw at the cafe the other day.

"Shut up, Doyoung! Shouldn't you be working?" The girl responds in agitation. A smirk making a way onto his face.
"I got off early." He responds with a shrug, his black hair slightly bouncing at the motion.
"Hm...where's Yuta?" She questions.
"Away from you." The boy with blond hair jokes out causing the other three men to laugh.
"Hey....Winwin." The girl pouts. "That's mean!"
"I'm joking, he's still working." He responds.
"Do you know when he will be out?" She asks.
"No clue. Soon I'd assume. After all most of us got off early." He says before pulling out some form of keycard and stopping in front of a door while the others continue to walk.
"But for real, you should let the new girl rest. She has training tomorrow after all." The man with the baby face says.
"Yeah...and with Lucas." The man with slicked back hair says making the rest laugh again.
"Awe, he's not that bad, Kun." She responds.
"Eh, says the girl who didn't have to really train with him." The one with the baby face states.
"I was hurt!" She says in defense with an eye roll.
"Goodnight, Suki." He responds in a singsong manner before entering his room.
"Night guys." She says before turning back to me. I was lost.
"That was Kun, Winwin, Doyoung and Jungwoo. They work around here, don't worry they're really nice!" She says. I let out a small Ah of acknowledgment along with a fake yawn.
"Oh right, I should leave you alone. If you need anything I'm in the room over there near the decorative plant!" She says and motions toward a specific door.
"Okay, thanks Suki." I say with a smile.
"Of course! Have a goodnight!" She says before shutting the door for me and leaving.

What a friendly gal.

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