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I woke up to a pounding headache. Guess that's what you get when you fall asleep sobbing your heart out. Just remembering last night brought more tears to my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and got out of bed to change.

After I changed into a big tee and shorts I wandered down the stairs and into the living room. I past the mirror on the way over the sofa and almost had a heart attack. I looked absolutely horrendous.

But who the fuck cares, right?

I plop myself down on the couch and just lay there. Thinking. Thinking about how messed up my life has gotten just by seeing Calum in a few short days. Ugh! That reminds me. We go on tour today. Great.

I was drifting back to sleep when my phone starting ringing. I rushed over the counter top I sat it on and answered it.
"Morgan?! Oh my god I didn't think you would pick up!" It was Calum. Fuck.

"Calum. I can't talk right now. I'm really busy."
"Are you mad about what happened last night? I am so sorry! I totally forgot until this morning when ash asked me how our date was. I ruined everything didn't I?" I could he his voice getting lower and lower by the end of his rant. I sighed. I really didn't know what to think or say. I said the only thing I wanted.

"Come over. Now" and with that I hung up.


Calum knocked on my door at a fast pace. I made my way over while breathing heavily. I took one final deep breath before opening the door.

Calum automatically ran into my body to give me a bone crushing hug. I pushed him back, and I could tell he was hurt by it. "We need to talk before any hugging takes part..." I say walking toward the couch. I take a seat and pat next to me, motioning him to sit.

He moves right next to me and takes my hands in his. "Morgan, I know I screwed up. Big time. But please forgive me. I honestly really like yo-" he was cut of mid-sentence by me standing up. "Like me!? How could you Calum?! You left me here for hours! I was humiliated in front of my best friends! I cried myself to sleep last night. You can't think only an apology would make up for that." After I calmed down, I took my seat next to brown eyed boy once again.

I look over to him and notice he was...crying?!
I made Calum Hood cry. The boy who bullied me everyday of high school. I made that boy cry. Doesn't feel as good as I thought it would though. Ugh. I hate being caring!

I brought his body into mine as he cries into my neck. "I don't know what else to do Morgan. I made a huge mistake that I will never be forgiven for and you hate me for it!"

I don't think he is talking about last night anymore. He is bringing up high school.

"Cal, that is over and done with. All that torment made me grow into who I am today. I love my life now and I don't hate you, okay? Stop crying please." I whispered to him. He sniffed and looked up at me. "I'm sorry beautiful. Why are you so nice to me after what I did to you?"

I smiled down at the amazing boy in front of me. "You've changed. I can tell. Also, I don't hold grudges." I told him with a wink. He chuckled and just smiled at me.

"Can I kiss you?" He blurted out. I wasn't really expecting that but I can roll with the flow. "I guess but only if you answer a question for me."

He nodded me to proceed. "What is the specific reason why you did do that for so many years?" I asked, never taking my glance away from him. "This is the most cliche answer in the world but I liked you. A lot. And I hated seeing you with Noah. More than anything. He was a total dick and everyone knew it. The reason why for calling you those names, I just hated myself so I took it out on someone I care deeply for. You aren't fat or ugly or any of that. Okay? I can't believe I would do that to you but I did. And I'm so sorry." He finished by taking my hand in his for the second time.

"Can I kiss you now?" He laughed after his question. I nodded with a goofy smile.

Our lips touched. It was only for a few seconds but it was magical. No tongue or anything like that. We are going to try and take things slow.

We pulled away and just stared each other in awe. Calum's lips connected back to mine quickly and pulled away just as fast.

"It was just one more for good luck!" Calum laughed and pulled me into a hug.

I could get used to this...

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