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I woke up to find Samantha in my bed. Wasn't expecting that. Crawling out of bed and putting my feet into the nearby slippers, I think about tour. This is our first tour. We are all pretty scared/excited so it should be fun. Though we still haven't met the band we are opening up for. I think they are called 5 Seconds of Summer.? Not sure but we are stoked to meet them! That reminds me I have to pack and get ready because we are actually going out to lunch with them today!

Me being the first to be ready -all the time- calls the girls from the front door. "We are going to be late if your asses aren't in the car in 5 minutes!" I shut the front door behind me and sit down in the drivers seat. Since I am the oldest-being 18 and all the others are 17 and 16- I am like the mom around here. Driving, cooking, working, and all that other stuff. Morgan works as well but not as often as I do.

I see my roommates running down the driveway and into the car. Dakota up front with me and Samantha and Morgan in the back. "You all look lovely!" I yelled at them. They all do "awes" and "you toos". "Hope these boys are hunks. Maybe I can have a summer love!" Dakota blurts out and we all crack up.

We arrive at Panera to see the few boys waiting by a black van. "There they are!" Samantha points out while having lovey dovey eyes at them.

All of us get out of the car and we meet up by the boys. "Hello boys! I am Kayla. This is Dakota, Samantha, and..." I turn around to look for Morgan but I notice she is still standing by the car. "Excuse me for just a moment." Samantha politely says and fast-walks over to our sick looking best friend.

"Morg. What's wrong? You look like you are going to be sick." I could hear Samantha say to her. The boys were talking among themselves so me and Dakota catch up with the other two. Morgan just starts to mumble the same thing over again. "It's him. I can't do this. Oh my gosh. This is terrible." I can tell she is about to cry so I step in to fix this. "Come on babe. Come here for a second." I tell her and take her round the car so we are out of sight of the boys. "It's Calum Hood. From high school." I look away and try to remember him from our old high school.

He was a popular boy. Lots of girl friends. That's really all I can remember.

"Yeah I remember him. What's wrong with him?" I ask in a low tone. "He made me do this." Morgan pulled up her sleeves to show dozens of scars scattered across her arms. I close my eyes to try and stop the tears that are threatening to flow. "I didn't know..." I trailed off. "Remember when I lost all that weight really fast?" She asked me out of nowhere. I nodded my head slowly. "He used to call me fat, whale, ugly bitch. So I starved myself. That's why I still workout every morning." Tears are now spilling from both of our eyes. Pulling her in for a tight hug, I see someone walking over to us. One of the guys.

"Uh hello. I'm Luke. The rest of the others went in. I stayed back to make sure everything was okay." Morgan and I composed ourselves and thanked him for waiting behind for us.

We walked into the restaurant and spotted the others. There is one seat open next to Luke and Ashton. I sat next to ashton while Morgan sat next to Luke.

I can see Morgan is on edge with being this close to Calum. This is not going to be fun.

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