13. The conspiracy

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Karna was soon known for his valour, bravery and as the generous king of Anga.

In these months, he worked a lot for Anga's development. The subjects, the kingdom, everyone was happy with their king, Angraj Karna.

Meanwhile, the Pandavas helped the Kurus in expanding their empire. Arjun had shown his prowess by winning every battle, gaining immense fame.

Especially after winning the war of Panchal, he had fought. As the guru dakshina, Guru Dronacharya asked.

After seeing Arjun unmatchable skills, the King of Panchal, Drupad. wanted the third Pandava as his son-in-law, and he wished he could have a daughter.

When the elders of Hastinapur decided to crown Yudhishthir as the King, Dhritarashtra, despite not being happy, gave in and agreed to everyone.

While Kunti, the Pandavas and all others were in joyous mood, Duryodhan was burning with jealousy and anger. The cunning Shakuni then invited Purochan for the wicked ploy of the house of lac. Lakshagrah.

Later on, he explained his ploy to Duryodhan along with Karna and Dushasan, who were present in Duryodhan's chamber as well. Karna had a terrified expression.

"Adharma!" Karna spat in disgust.

"I do not agree with your plan, Mamashri. I'm sorry Duryodhan, but I highly recommend you not to do this filthy act!"

"This is a cowardly act. This will only stoop you down and you will lose whatever respect you have. We're true warriors! Let's wage a war and defeat the Pandavas!"

"Defeat?! Like king Drupad," Shakuni taunted sarcastically.

"Still. I can't be a party to this cowardice."

Shakuni laughed, "My dear nephew, you were saying that you have total faith in Karna. But look, he is unwilling to throw the first dice of politics."

Duryodhan looked between his friend and his uncle, utterly perplexed.

"I'm not a gambler, I don't throw dice! I'm a warrior and politics is not a game of dice!"

"Have you switched sides Angraj? Do you know, what are you saying?"

"Seems like the king of Anga has forget that the status of king has been given to him by my nephew, Duryodhan." Shakuni taunted sarcastically.

"This crown is not the basis of this friendship. But every person has the right to follow his own ethics."

Dushasan was about to say something, when Duryodhan yelled, "Enough!"

"Nobody shall speak ill about my best friend. He is indeed wise!" Duryodhan said genuinely.

"Karna, my friend— I totally see your point. But you tell me, is it not my right as the eldest son of the king to be coronated as the next king?"

"It is your right, my friend." Karna said, looking down unhappily.

"And then, suddenly the Pandavas comes and ask for the throne. Now, you tell me, shall I just sit and watch? Out of all the people you are the only one who can understand, how dejection feels!"

Karna kept silent. He knew that what Duryodhan doing was wrong but he wasn't able to gather his confidence to say 'no', remembering everything Duryodhana did for him.

But he knew that killing ones enemy like this was also unrighteousness. Moreover, he was utterly depressed about Kunti, with whom he felt a affection every time he met her.

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