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hanna felt her entire body aches and her head splitting into two. she push herself to sit up waiting her dizziness to leave her before getting herself to stand up.

"ugh.. what's wrong with me today" she sigh while  touching her forehead and neck to check her own temperature. she lift herself to do her morning routine.

after getting herself done, her heavy feet and lightheaded head  lead her straight in the kitchen. she sit in a stool and as expected breakfast was already in front of her. she suddenly remember her mom because of the smell of soup lingering to her nose. she wish that her mom was with her right now, taking care of her when she's sick and to tend her until she recover. her face was light up when she taste the soup exactly like her mom recipe. she really to impressed to mr.hans cooking skill. "mr. hans don't tell me mom also told you about her recipe" she said continue savoring her food.

"why would I if I can personally cook it for you" hanna pause sipping her soup and saw a pretty hand serving a omelet in mini platter. she lift her head and blink her eyes to make sure that her lightheaded head didn't deceive her. "good morning sweety!" she drop her spoon and covered her mouth

"oh my god.. MOM!!" her ill felling suddenly fade away and throw herself to her mom. "I miss you mom.. when did you come?" she asked while hugging her mom tightly

"hmm..late last night, you already asleep when I arrived. paul pick up me in the airport" she unclaps her hug to her mom. so that's explained why mr.hans left after they had dinner.

"you should wake me up tss.." they are both seated in stool next to each other. she smile as her mom fixed her messy hair. "where is mr.hans by the way". she didn't hear the infamous knocked of mr.hans in her room.

"paul told me that you're tired since you hangout with your friends so I let you be. and he step outside for awhile to answer your dad call" her soft spoken mom said. "are you okey? you look very tired today do you want to get more rest?" hanna shake her head she doesn't want to waste her time cuddling her pillow and blanket right now.

"im okey now mom don't worry about me." she assured her mom. " who is now taking care of jason and dad?" . she asked and start nibbling her food

"sweety those two won't die if im not around to their side for days besides we have many maids there to tend their needs for the meantime. " . her mom brushed her hair gracefully. "so what do you want us do to today. it's your school tomorrow so we don't have enough time to bond. I only have less than a week to be with you  then I need to fly back home" thinking her mom have short span of days to be with her makes her sad. but then she want to enjoy the rest of the days with her.

"let's do my itinerary today" she enthusiastically said that made her mom smile.

"as you wish sweety"


"hanna..sweety are you not done yet?"

"im ready mom, let's go". hanna put her cap on and hook her backpack.her mom stop in front her to dust her coat and fix her hair behind her ears. "wow.. I miss this" she smile to her mom simple gesture.

"you do?!" she nod while plastering big smile on her face. "but hanna what's in it on your bag?". they currently walking towards to where mr.hans and their car waiting. hanna do a quick glance at her back.

"camera.." she simply said that make her mom confuse to look at her. "my pro-cam. the one I've always carry around was left behind to my friend house yesterday. but don't worry I can get it tomorrow" she explained and hop in at the backseat of the car after greeting mr.hans then her mom followed behind her. she was glad that she brought three cameras with her out of six camera she have. Sony A7R III  camera the one she carried along in her itinerary right now. Polaroid camera and dslr Sony A9 that left behind in suelgi house.

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