ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry! It's just that guy over there stared into my soul, so scary!!" The dragon-boy exclaimed, cowering behind the prince as he motioned towards Aizawa who still held his gaze.

The huddled group dispersed at the presence of another royal, Shoto also taking the time to step forward. He noticed a bunch of bags on the ground, and also two people behind the pair who seemed to be passed out, one snoring rather loudly.

"Who cares, you're a dragon for god's sake!" Bakugo barked out, now turning to the sleepers before kicking them both in the head. "And you two, get up! Dunce Face and Duct Tape, you're getting all my stuff dirty!"

The two got up rubbing the newly made red spots on their heads. The blonde one with a black streak yawned before tiredly standing up. "Geez Bakugo, I told you I needed beauty sleep!"

"Yeah, we're not even here yet—" the black-haired cut himself off once he glanced over his surroundings, his mouth opening in an 'o' shape. The group now comprehending where they are, and who they're with, the two sleepers quickly bowing as mumbling apologies before Bakugo again yelled at them to 'shut up'.

Aizawa was first to speak, lowering his weapon which the others followed in suit. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence, despite such an entrance, but may I ask why you're here?" Giving the prince a confused expression through his tired features.

"Oh! We came here because we heard of the reward and bounty! Bakugo here is the strongest in our entire city after all." The dragon said, more cheery without Aizawa's glare, Bakugo giving a smirk but silently giddy over the praise. "I'm Kirishima Eijiro, call me Kirishima! I assume you already know Bakugo, that guy over there is Kaminari and the other is Sero!" He happily cheered.

"Are we going to act like the dragon didn't just turn human!?" Hizashi questioned, giving Kirishima a skeptical look. The blonde nearly had a panic attack when he saw the beast, it took all his courage to not scream his soul out.

"Oh! It's our magic, transformation magic to be exact, it's how we got here so quick!" The red-haired exclaimed happily.

"Either way, it's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm glad to know you all came to help us," Shoto stated, beginning to bow to show his thankfulness before interrupted by a rather loud Pomeranian.

"As if I'm here to help you! This is just another step for me to show everyone I'm the strongest and most powerful, nothing gets in my way no matter what they are!" Bakugo shouted pridefully, grinning proudly. "You might as well call the job done already."

The two groups began giving small introductions, Bakugo boasting of all his achievements until Aizawa ushered them into the building, leading them to the dining hall which was rearranged to make a longer table for them all to sit together.

Each one seating along the table whilst a servant from nearby rolled out a map across it of the region of Yueii. It depicted the region as a whole, showing from the most notable cities to the smallest towns and landmarks. Due to the large group, some were forced to stand and simply peer over the other's shoulders to admire it.

However, none of their attention was on the region itself but the archipelago to the eastern coast of Endea, with a name which is at the center of countless tales and bedtime stories. The infamous, Moonshire Bay, home to the mermaids.

The bay is the center of countless deaths, entire armadas can go in and only one or two ships would leave it, scarred by the horrors they witnessed. Mermaids were mysterious creatures, they say they're the prettiest beings the stars ever created yet one of the deadliest.

Their beautiful features match their lovely voices, which captivated even the strongest wills. However, just like the ocean, soft and gentle on the surface, underneath it holds countless hidden horrors.

Shoto immediately sensed the tension in the room, even Bakugo who rested his feet lazily on the table had nothing to say. Shoto eyed the others and noticed the many emotions flickering in their eyes, some were scared, frightful, others hesitant and some grinning at the new challenge.

"Now that we're all here, before we get started I'd like to remind you all this is entirely optional." Aizawa began, also eyeing others and continuing as he saw some hesitate but not leave. "Well, reminder there's no going back, but anyways... We've already prepared the ship for the adventure, you all will be assigned to it by tonight and get settled in. You'll leave by tomorrow during daybreak, the trip will take no less than 5 days if the weather is ideal."

Aizawa took a pause to let his words begin to settle in with the group, Bakugo being the first to speak up. "Why not get going now? I've spent an entire week just to come here, the sooner the better."

"The water is low tide currently, it won't be a good plan to set sail," Shoto replied, earning a glare from the blonde prince. "Now that's out of the way, I'll like to remind everyone that we're not going to kill a mermaid, but capture one, and from what I've read they only seem to be the most active at night which is our best chance."

"If that's your plan Icy-hot you might as well send half the people in here to their graves, mermaids are the most active at night since they're at their strongest." Bakugo blurted, scoffing at the slight shocked in the other prince's face since he didn't know such a basic fact.

"W-what Bakugo meant to say, was that Mermaids, like other creatures, gain magic through the primal sources. Dragons get it from the sun, Elves from the land, Harpy's from the sky, and Mermaids from the moon. Thus well, making them stronger.." Kirishima stated, saying the last part for lowly as he went to scratch the back of his head.

Aizawa looked to the prince for a reply, noting just how riskier this journey began, but the prince took a deep breath before saying, "If that's the case, then we'll give it our all. This is the only way to save my fa-sister from that unfortunate disease." He breathed out, internally criticizing himself for almost slipping up.

Almost no one knew of the king's condition, not even generals or members of the Royal Guard due to how closed off they kept the situation. Aizawa quickly spoke up to divert the other's attention, "With that being said, you all are welcomed to sleep in the bunks while we prepare for the trip. I suggest you all sleep tight and even write your last wills if worst comes to show."

With that, the group dispersed, once most left the room Iida running up towards to two-toned haired prince. "My Prince, are you sure about this? You are your father's heir and if anything were to happen—"

"It's my duty Tenya, I know you're worried not just as a knight but as a friend, though this is our only option," Shoto said, getting out of his chair as he fixes his shirt. "Despite my own opinions towards my father, I'd make a terrible ruler unlike him, and also my sister has been pressuring me to attempt on rekindling a connection."

He glanced towards the table, eyeing Moonshire Bay intently. And so, the journey begins.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed the first chapter, not much is going to happen and it's be a while until we finally meet the friendly neighborhood broccoli, so sit tight!!

𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑-Tododeku(Mermaid AU)Where stories live. Discover now