Chapter 26

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"I've told you time and time again, Marlon." Daphne hissed, clenching her bony hands as she glared at her son. She slowly made her way over to a chair, gently sitting down as she struggled to even bend her knees. "We all know who did it, but they simply don't listen."

"We've accused Enchancia for years now with little to no evidence aside from speculation from the court." Marlon wanted to know the truth, and that longing for such was in his voice. There was the slightest bit of doubt as he spoke, but he knew what he wanted.

Daphne sighed exasperatedly, holding her forehead as if all this conversation was stressing her out. She tapped the armrest of the chair, closing her eyes as she awaited Marlon to continue speaking.

"...Remember Fabian?" Marlon spoke quietly. "He was a talented sorcerer, and always had the best service. I'm sure you recall when he was accused of drugging Father's tea, and--"

"--and what?" Daphne scowled. "Fabian is long gone, Marlon. Even if he truly was the culprit behind the curse, what can we do about it?"

"I'm sure Fior can act as--"

"Oh don't drag him into this!" Daphne cut him off. "Marlon, we've spent out lives caring for our kingdom which was brought to ruins by Enchancia. I may hold hatred in my heart, but it's hatred that I believe is right."

Marlon stayed silent. He knew this would happen, but it was worth a try.

"Cassandra and I have been suffering for years and here you are doing your...what are you even doing?" She eyed him up and down. "I'm happy you've picked up a fashion sense, but all you do is waste your time with this nonsensical investigation when it's clear we have no other enemy but the Enchancians."

"...I see." Marlon sighed, offering his arm to his mother only for her to gently slap him away.

Daphne got up on her own, gently and weakly sliding her feet little by little to walk towards the door. She slammed it shut, leaving her son behind as he contemplated what to do next.


"Oh, how incredibly awful!" Amber spoke, taking Cassandra's arm into her hands as she examined the black marks. She poked the mark gently, frowning as she saw it ingraved in the girl's skin.

"All this time, people thought it was you guys, yknow?"

The three royals turned their heads to the girl laying in the hospital bed. Amber looked to her siblings, and they seemed just as unsure as her.

"Us?" Sofia asked, both shocked and confused.

"Enchancia, I mean. Specifically your grandfather. It's the reason why neither Marlon nor my mother seem to like you guys."

Cassandra frowned, feeling guilty to once even believe such a thing. Had she not decided to go by her family's selfish and cruel beliefs, they wouldn't be by her side right now. James pat her shoulder gently, giving a bright smile when he saw her hang her head.

"Don't worry about it, Cassy!" He grinned. "Kingdoms can be weird, sometimes!"

"Yes, what James said." Amber nodded. "Whatever our kingdoms did won't affect us as people."

Cassandra smiled, grateful to have such accepting friends. The sound of the door opened and everyone turned their heads to Hugo and a bouquet in his arms.

"How you feeling?" he asked with a smile.

"Better." Cassandra smiled back, watching as he put the flowers in a clear vase beside her bed. James seemed to frown at that, looking to his own bouquet which was at her other side.

"Oh come on James, there's no use in being jealous~" Sofia teased.

Cassandra blushed softly, remembering how they had basically confessed to each other earlier this day, yet right now she was engaged to someone else.

"You know Cass, if you have any idea how to cut this off, I'd be happy to help." Hugo laughed. "My parents didn't get my consent for this either."

She looked up at Hugo who sat down beside Sofia. Amber smirked slightly, but said nothing else about those two.

"I... I probably will try to think of something, but I really just want to sleep. I'm not sure when my ride will get here, but I'm going to take a break from all this."

"Please do, Cassandra. No friend of mine will be emotionally exhausted!" Amber declared, waving her fan around as she crossed her legs.

The girl nodded, muttering a small 'Thank you' before she lay back down on her bed.

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