Chapter 17

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A/N: The pic is Cassandra and Marlon's mother, Queen Daphne!! Notice anything about her? ;) ]]

Cassandra gulped, her hand gripping at the purple cloth of her gown. She stood outside Marlon's room, waiting as the maids and dressers slowly left the room. One of the maids informs her that Marlon is ready, so the young girl stepped in.

"Cass?" Marlon laughed. "I thought you said you didn't want to see my new outfit until the actual ceremony?" He said, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His suit was a dark purple, almost black. His feathery coat draped his shoulders, and some gold accessories were added here and there. All he needed was the crown, and he would truly look like a king.

"Oh come on, Marlon. This is a coronation, not your wedding." Cass laughed back. "I came here because... I'm just nervous to see Mom." She sighed.

Marlon's arm fell back to his sides as he turned to look at his sister. He knew what she was talking about, but gave her a reassuring smile. "Mom's curse must have been getting to her all these years. She's still the same person; just a know..."

"I know. But still." She laughed a little nervously. "Knowing her, she might have actually punched you in the face if you didn't get a haircut." Cassandra made light of the situation, after all, she didn't want to ruin Marlon's mood right before the ceremony.


The young Enchancian royals stepped out of their carriages, looking excitedly at the entrance which had been decorated with purple flowers; the symbol for Acanthus.

James wore his usual green suit, this time some added accessories decorating his shoulders and the ends of his suit. He looked more regal than usual, and wore a bright smile to go with the outfit.

"It's Hugo!" Sofia said and waved to the prince. Hugo jogged up to them, adjusting his coat before speaking. "I didn't expect you guys to come so early." He laughed as the two princesses turned to James.

"He wanted to go early so he could see his crush in a gown." Amber rolled her eyes, an intricate decorated fan in her hands. James looked away with a small blush. "I just thought that we should be early to be polite!" He said, very obviously denying the truth.

All eyes turned and the crowd stopped murmuring. Even the band that was hired to play music stopped. Everyone was looking at a carriage bearing the same flag as this kingdom. It came to a halt right by the flight of stairs before the palace, and the doors opened. A tall, slender woman stepped out. Her fur coat covered parts of her bony arms, and her simple yet elegant gown framed her figure. On her head was a golden crown, and on her arm were what appeared to be dark tattoos. Her face looked familiar, and with the flag, everyone finally deduced. It was the Queen of Acanthus.

Her icy glare landed on the band, who immediately went back to playing music after the queen's stare. She coughed a few times, holding a hand to her chest as she took a deep breath.

"Welcome, Queen Daphne." A familiar silver haired man arrived, bowing in her presence with a gentle smile. The queen smiled back, her cold demeanor fading at the sight of him.

"Quite the pleasure to see you again, Fiorello." She said, giving him a nod as Fior offered her his arm. The two slowly went up the stairs, the queen coughing ever now and then as her legs were visibly shaking.

It became obvious to James and the other young royals. The queen was definitely sickly. She was incredibly pale, and that was in comparison to Cassandra and Marlon, who already lacked tint to their cheeks. Queen Daphne's face had blush here and there, a little attempt to make her seem healthier, but all the more highlighting the greyness of the rest of her body.

James looked back to the carriage and frowned. Sofia catches a glimpse of the face her brother made and simply giggled. "Oh James, we won't see Cassandra and her brother until the ceremony." James blinked, then rubbing the back of his head with a embarrassed chuckle.

"Sooo...James..." Hugo said with a smirk. "How are you and Cassandra doing, anyways?" The two princesses giggled as James blushed.

"L-Lets just go inside! It looks like it might rain!" James blurted out and ran through the door while the three sighed. It wasnt even close to raining.


It was the middle of the ceremony. All eyes were on Marlon, bowing before the robed man as the crown was gently put on his head. Cassandra gleamed as she smiled, not shying away from showing her brother just how proud she was. Queen Daphe's coldness was gone. She held Cassandra's hand in her own as they watched the prince grow into a king.

"King Marlon of Acanthus!"

He turned around, facing the array of ballgowns and suits as everyone burst into applause.

In the audience, James smiled. He realized how much Cassandra started to smile ever since they first met. He felt proud to see her in a confident stance, looking beautiful as ever with a smile on her face. It was only until Hugo's nudging that he snapped back to reality.

"H-huh? What? Oh--" James looked around, seeing as people were beginning to exit the throne room and down to the ballroom. Amber rolled her eyes.

"Move it, James. We have to go." She grabbed him by the sleeve. He looked back to the center of the room where Acanthus' royal family stood.

James smiled once more, breathing in and out as he adjusted his coat. The dance would start soon, meaning he'd get to spend time with Cassandra. His face suddenly flushed when he remembered his plans afterwards; confessing his feelings to her.

Nothing Comes Between Us (Prince James X Oc) |Sofia The First|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora