Chapter 30

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Marlon's words shot through her ears, waking the girl up. Her breath was shaky, trembling just as much as her weak fingers.

"I-it... It happened again..." Cassandra sobbed, her eyes shining with tears as she shook her head. She pulled down the edge of her glove, seeing the marks crawl up her arms once more.

Marlon's eyebrows furrowed, putting a hand on Cassandra's to hopefully calm her. He forced a smile as he spoke. "Hey, hey. It's alright. We'll find a way to undo the curse somehow."

"Fior!" Marlon called out, the butler's presence immediately appearing at the call of the king.

"Yes, my lord?" He asked, softly sighing as he watched the young princess' suffering. "Should I call yet another magic doctor?"

"Not this time." Marlon shook his head. "Arrange a meeting with King Roland of Enchancia."

"And the Queen?" Fior asked, his face softening into worry for both of the young Royals. "It is likely she will discover that you've acted against her will once again."

"Yeah, so what? Screw her."

Marlon's formal presence faltered, leaving nothing but a frustrated young adult who was quite tired with all of this. Fiorello stammered, then laughed lightly as he witnessed the young King let loose. Cassandra smiled, gripping onto her brother's sleeve for support as they made their way down the hall.

However, her smile faltered.


She tugged onto his sleeve, the weak gesture strong enough to stop them from going further.

"Cass, but you're--"

"--Please tell me..."

The girl begged, her eyes narrowed into determination.

"Tell me... what happened..."

Her throat felt coarse, but she forced her words out. Marlon simply turned to face her, his eyes wide in an unreadable expression.

"I... want to be strong, like you." She spoke, in a pleading voice. "I'm tired of... just being weak... I want to know..."

Her voice faltered, like she was ready to cry from the pain of her curse, as well as the pain that ached in her heart.

Marlon hoisted her up in his arms, walking down the hall as he began to tell the stort.

"It all started..."


"...with King Marcus of Acanthus, Cassandra's father."

Roland said, taking a seat. "He was a wise king, and well admired by his people. His wife, Queen Daphne, was the daughter of a noble family. The two met over an arrangement, but still loved each other very much."

James nods, a slight quiver down his arms as he remembered Hugo and Cassandra's arranged engagement.

"King Marcus ruled with compassion, while Queen Daphne was stoic, always wanting to do whatever benefits them. Together, it was balanced. Acanthus became a kingdom of both strength and sympathy."



"...Mother was restless."

Marlon continued, gently placing Cassandra on the velvet seats of their carriage. She shivered, gripping both her arms at an attempt of warmth.


"Indeed." He nods, taking off his coat as he laid it over her shoulders. Fior took a small blanket, neatly folding it on her lap to keep her from shivering.

"Perhaps it was how she was brought up, but she wanted more." Marlon sat beside her, gently holding her hand.

"Which is why--"


"--she made a plan."

Roland continued, James following his every trot fown the hall.

"...If somehow, something horrible were to happen to the Royal Family of Enchancia, they would be weak."

James looking down on the floor. Could someone truly be that awful?

"And with that weakness, is vulnerability. Enough vulnerability to claim as their own."

"So..." James murmured. "Queen Daphne... wanted to take over Enchancia?"

"Precisely." Roland nodded, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "All of that was a plan."



"...It failed."

Marlon closed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed into a strained expression. This was his mother, after all. To think his own mother would do something like this... It hurt him; as the new king, and as her son.

"Then she got cursed..?"

Cassandra asked meekly, gripping onto the coat around her.


Marlon scoffed. "She planned on poisoning the King of the time..."

He looked at Fiorello, as Cassandra perked up in confusion. The butler gave a pained smile, before he himself continued the story.

"...She ordered my father to assassinate the King of Enchancia."


"When she failed; she was condemned to suffering. She nearly took away the happiness of the Kingdom, and of the Royal Family, so a sorcerer cursed her so each happiness of hers will quickly turn to shame."

James tilted his head. "Wait so, that's why she's mad? Because... she tried to kill Grandpa?"


"That's not all." Marlon added. "Her curse... it got worse. Each time she felt any sort of joy, something tragic would happen."

He opened his eyes again, purple orbs looking directly into his sister's eyes.

"...This is the part where she lied to us, Cass."


Cass blinked, pale lips pursed into a frown. She had an idea what he was talking about...

"...Is it about how Dad died?"

Marlon nodded.

"She was spending the night with him; her husband, one of the greatest joys she's ever experienced. And at that moment..."

"...The curse activated. Because of it, he..." Fior paused. He knew the girl would pick up the pieces by himself.

"...So..." She gulped. "...When Mother said that Father was attacked by Enchancians... it was a lie? He died... from her own curse?"


"Perhaps that is the true reason why she despises us so much." Roland paused, deep in thought.

"Perhaps the curse did go too far... Seeing how it affected her husband, and now, her daughter, when neither were involved in Queen Daphne's schemes..."

James shook his head. "That's in the past now, Dad! What's important right now is that we save Cass, and restore peace between both kingdoms, right?!"

"James, it's not that easy..." Roland sighed. "Besides, King Marlon is still affected by the lies his mother fed him. I don't see a reason why he would want to talk--"

"--Your Majesty!"

Baileywick entered, adjusting the edges of his coat.

"King Marlon and Princess Cassandra are on their way here. Apparently they have 'urgent matters' they want to discuss."

James and Roland gave each other a look.

"Huh. That was easier than expected..." 

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