Chapter 7

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((A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN Samehxx for these cute doodles of our bois >~< Btw, left is Marlon and right is Fiorello uwu))


The girl curled up on her bed. Her brain could not stop replaying James's happy voice that would call out to her almost everyday. It was weird that she woke up early just to daydream about Enchancia's prince.

Cassandra stared longingly out her slightly foggy bedroom window. With the decline of  castle staff these days, it was no surprise some things got dirty easily.

Even then, she could make out the shapes of the village. She remembers how she used to hear the sounds of parties and festivals from her bedroom, but now the village was always silent.

Knock knock.

Cassandra jumped a bit in her bed. "Y-yes? Who is it?" She ran a hand through her dark wavy hair.

"Its Fiorello, Miss." The calm voice replied. Cassandra's tensed body relaxed at recognizing it was only the castle butler. "It's time for breakfast. Would you like me to wait for you while you prepare?"

Cassandra politely turned down the offer of company as she slowly moved out of bed to get dressed.


When she arrived to the dining hall, it was silent as usual. The three maids assigned to the room bowed at the sight of their princess and Fiorello greeted her with a smile.

Cassandra sat down the long but empty table, frowing the moment she sees that she would be dining alone.

"Fior, where's Marlon?" She barely even picked up her dining utensils. Fiorello kept his smile despite seeing the sad face of the young mistress.

"I'm afraid the Crowned Prince has business to attend to." Cassandra turned back to her food, finally putting a small piece in her mouth. "Where'd he go this time?"


Cassandra's eyes lit up, but she stayed silent. Fiorello chucked. "Did you want to go with him? To see someone, perhaps." Her face fumed. She looked around, seeing as the maids had left the room and it was only just the two of them.

It wasnt surprising that she put a lot of her trust into Fiorello. In fact, butlers are supposed to keep secrets. However, this was the first time that she was going to say something to Fiorello and not Marlon.

"I-I wanted to see Prince James..." She stuffed her cheeks, hoping that the need to chew stopped her from talking any further. Fiorello chuckled once more. "I see..."

Cassandra looked up at him after her cheeks had slightly cleared. "Fior, how did you guess I wanted to see someone?" The butler stayed still.

"Answering that question would have me let out a secret. As the butler of the Royal Family of Acanthus, I must not let that happen."

Cassandra nodded and turned back to her food, a little sad. Did Marlon tell Fiorello about James giving her a ring? Perhaps Marlon didnt like that...
She glanced down at the ring she wore on her gloved finger.

"What about a letter?"


"A letter. Do royals your age no longer write letters to loved ones?"

Cassandra blushed once more. "I-I-I don't love Prince James...I him, I guess..." She rubbed her arms, looking down timidly.

"Nevertheless, giving him a letter would allow you two to communicate, would it not? I can even help you pick out a little gift to go along the letter."

The princess smiled. "Will you really help me, Fior?" Her eyes shone brightly as the butler nodded, calm as ever.

"Of course. Its my job after all."

Cassandra leaped out of her seat to hug their dear castle butler, before running out the dining hall to the study room and write a letter.

"Y-Young Miss, please dont run after a meal!"

Nothing Comes Between Us (Prince James X Oc) |Sofia The First|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum