you made me want to care

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His name was Oikawa. He was the main setter on Kageyama's middle school volleyball team. Kageyama would marvel at the way Oikawa was able to keep everyone under his confident, powerful grasp. He couldn't help but look up to the grey-haired upperclassman he had to talk up to. He was enthralled by his ability to trust his teammates, and Kageyama wanted to be like Oikawa. This turned into a little crush as time went on; Kageyama being so insistent on knowing everything about Oikawa and just wanting to be near him. But maybe that was admiration. Nonetheless, this is when Kageyama knew.

He was gay.

It didn't really come as a surprise to him, just something that was always there. He didn't have to come to terms with it like it was a taboo thing. He was never pressured into being straight, so he always just vibed with it.

Love was never a thing for me

And I didnt want it to

But when you showed up in my life

I couldn't help but want you

Kageyama hadn't ever dated anyone, probably due to his scary face, but he never really seeked it out. He was comfortable with his volleyball and his friendships, he didn't need much more, until he met Hinata and realized there was so much more.

Your sweet, fresh scent

That tingles about the air

Changed the way I thought about love

You made me want to care

It started with the way he was always so happy. Nothing ever hurt him too deeply, and Kageyama wanted to know why.

Perfect, pleasant, pristine

Wonderful and incredibly kind

You came in and made it all better

And I want you to be mine

Hinata changed Kageyama. He added a lighter, more colorful spin on the dark life the other was living. He made everything feel better, and Kageyama couldn't help wanting to love him. But, if being his friend was the only thing he could get, that was okay.

He knew now, though, that he could get more. And he yearned for it.

Something had washed over Hinata last night. He was so sick and tired of lying to himself that he dove into the deepest part of his brain and just let it free. And he guessed there wasn't anything for him to regret. This was his life now.

He opened Instagram to distract his brain for a bit. After he got the poem, he realized that "@tangerineboy" was a much better, more creative username than "@shinata10".

He scrolled through his explore page for a bit, noticing things that were different than the volleyball and absurd memes he's typically fed. It was a poem, and he noticed it was liked by one "@kingeyama", sparking some confusion. He investigated further to find that a "@Sugamama" followed the account as well. Maybe I should bring it up at practice? Gives me a good reason to poke some fun at Kageyama. Hinata smiled and liked the post himself, making sure he wouldn't lose it when he goes to make fun of his teammate.

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