do you ever think about me?

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Hinata always sprinted when leaving class. No one could ever tell you why, but it was a good way for him to burn off steam. This sprinting, though, caused a lot of trips and falls and general clumsiness. And on everything from paper to people; it was paper this time.

Hinata was about five meters from his girlfriend, Yachi, when it happened. It was a single piece of oddly-fancy stationary with words written in a dark blue pen. There were little doodles of oranges on it, too, done with what looks like a watercolor marker. And a shoe print, but that was on Hinata.

He read carefully, noticing how some lines rhymed and repeated.

Tangerine boy.

Hinata read the poem a few times to himself, getting somewhat lost in its words.

"Helloooooo??? Earth to Hinata!" Yachi said, waving her hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance. Hinata proceeded to fold the paper in half and put it in his pocket, making Yachi wonder, "What's that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just a paper that fell out of my bag." Hinata smiled to change her suspicion. "Come on, we've got volleyball to practice" he grabbed her hand and ran off towards the club room.

Hinata saw Kageyama where they typically meet to race to the gym. It had become an unspoken routine of theirs, and both enjoyed it far more than they'd admit. They both ran as fast as they could, but Kageyama won by the smallest margin of time.

"That's hmm, 84 wins for me and 80 for you?" Kageyama said smugly, smirking slightly at the smaller boy behind him.

"That'll change soon enough!"

"You wish, dumbass."

Practice then ensued with no change to the normal schedule, but Hinata left with Yachis hand in his the second Daichi said they could, which stung a bit in Kageyama's heart.

Kageyama had become comfortable in his feelings for Hinata over the time that he'd known him. It had, over time, cemented itself into Kageyama's brain that he couldn't have Hinata, and he was fine with it. As long as they were friends he could deal, but sometimes it was incredibly hard.

The feelings started when Hinata first hit one of his crazier sets. Kageyama was angry at something random, he'd long forgot what, and he set the ball up, thinking it would land with no one to hit it, like that one time. Hinata managed to hit it though. A solid, working spike, breaking through a block from Tsukishima. Kageyama realized then that he was impressed with that spiker, later to realize that he caught feelings for the annoying dumbass he likes to set to.

He picked on him as a way to cope. It might not make sense, but it was Kageyama's best way of showing his appreciation without really showing it. He'd say the opposite of what he was thinking with a twinge of sarcasm; allowing the kindness to show through without any suspicion. And it worked. No one questioned him.

Hinata having a girlfriend was making it harder than Kageyama would like to admit, however. There were less late night post-practice walks home, let alone even late night practices. Whenever they'd hang out as a team, even, Hinata would stand near Yachi. He'd hold her hand and occasionally whisper things in her ear that made her blush. When they went to matches that were further away, they'd cuddle on the bus.

Kageyama started having a harder time hiding his jealousy, and then his poetry became all about Hinata. Long, drawn out works about the light in his eyes. Stanzas upon stanzas about his smile and how soft his hair is--even though the only time Kageyama gets to touch it is when he's hitting him. He'd write about the boy's passion and his drive and determination, gushing about the effect he has on other people. He couldn't deny that his readers noticed either. His comments sections were full of people wanting to know who the lusky boy was while also sympathizing with Kageyama's pining. He only had a few outlets, and he used them well. Posting one little barely-a-poem he wrote on his way home after practice:

I don't mean to pry

But when you look up at the sky

Do you ever think about me?

tangerine boy - kagehinaWhere stories live. Discover now