part 1

18 4 2

"yoongi hyung come over im lonely and i want some one to watch anime with me" the younger pouted "why should i" he answer in to his iphone. jungkook is on the other line and he very much knew that his hyung wasn't a moring person thats why he called him in the night to make sure he was all rested up, yoongi is more active at night "come on please " he whined into the phone "if i say yes will you hang up" he sighed out "SO YOU'RE COMING OVER" jungkook yelled in happily into the phone "i didnt say that" "but you are right?"

yoongi was about to throw his phone out the window because damn that jungkook why did he have to be so cute and make the mint haired male not want to be so mean to him.

nevertheless he said goodbye and hung up the phone and went to go take a shower. after he was done with the shower he wraped his waist with a towel and made his way to his room to grab his clothes.

Once we put on his briefs he got some grey ripped jeans and a white shirt with a grey Jean jacket. The shirt was loses so it showed his collar bone along with his pale skin.

He picked up his phone and texted jungkook that he would be over in a few, once he got there jungkook opened the door to let him in he went to Netflix and pressed on an a anime called 'haikyu'.

Soon after there was a soft knock on the door and kook got up to get it and it was an other person some one yoongi has never seen before he found him interesting he was wearing a baby blue shirt and blue jeans with black shoes, even though it was night he shined.

He sat down in a chair next to yoongi. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back you can play the show it's fine" jungkook said before walking to the hallway

"Okay, but hurry up" the mint haired said grabbed the control and pressed play yoongi was actually watching it and he didn't see that the brown haired boy next to him was looking at him. "Your hair is really pretty" he smiled. Yoongi isn't really good with complements he just thanked him and when back to watching

Suga had to sneeze so he quickly brought his arm up and sneeze into it. "Wow you even have a cute sneeze" hobi winked "oh yeah I almost forgot my name is Jung hoseok what's yours" he smiled and reached his hand out so the other could shake it. "Hi I'm min yoongi" he reached out his hand an was about to shake it him the one named Hoseok turned it and kissed it.

Jungkook walked out of the bathroom after he washed his hands, because he kissed his hand and didn't shake it his face was beet red it's he didn't know what to do so he covered his face with his hands hobi just chuckeled because if him. Yoongi couldn't just sit there without feeling flustered and so he stound and made him way to the bathroom.

He rushed right by kookie without a word the boy just turned the corner and shot him a questioning look "whats up with him" jungkook said drying him hands on him pants, Hoseok just shurged with a smile.

Meanwhile the mint hair was having a break down in the bathroom, "I don't like him, I just met him. Like that love at first sight shit isn't really right" he said in a low tone he don't want the others to hear him and what he was ranting about.he looked in the mirror "I DON'T like him" he said with a straight face, only to realize how big of a lie that was.

Yoongles was in there for a while and Jungkook was a little worried about that he wanted to make sure he was okay but the show was getting to the good part and he didn't really want to check on him himself so he sent the sunshine to check up on him.

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