Chapter 1: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you ok?" I heard a voice and looked up. The boy was speaking to me. A boy was speaking to me. Oh my god! Oh my god! This is amazing!

"Uhhhh, um I-Im ok. Yeah, I'm ok." I reassured him as I got up. Oh man, my plaid skirt is ruined now. Do you know how hard it is to get one of these. Ugh, great. I stared straight at the boy wondering why he was looking at me but then realized it was because I was talking to myself- well you guys! Oh god, I am crazy.

"Um, we'll thanks again for the help." I turned to walk away and throw him under the bus but he stopped me.

"Hey, I help you, you help me. Ok?" He said raising his eyebrows in a flirty way. How cute. I kept gawking at him until he snapped his fingers.

"Ok? So where do you want to go?"

"Oh, I need to get to my dads, I mean teachers class. Mr. Lachowski? Have you heard of him." I thought for a moment and then remembered what Ally said on the bathroom.

"Oh yeah, you mean the hot new teacher!" I snapped my fingers in realization. He seemed weirded out after I said that.

"Yeah, the hot new teacher..." There was a moment of awkward silence before he breathed in sharply and spoke again. "So would you have any idea where he would be?" I thought back to the time in the bathroom.

Don't worry sweetheart, I won't. Hey, did you hear about the new teacher for civics. His name is Dave Lachowski a.k.a. Mr. Lachowski. I heard that he came to replace Mrs. Lamb. Some say he's super hot and young so it wouldn't be so bad if I tried to woo him." Ew, gross! I can't believe their talking about stuff like that, but then again, I've never even kissed someone other than my parents before.
Ok, so if the new teacher is replacing Mrs. Lamb, then he must be in the economics room. I took his class schedule and looked at the classroom number which said, #213. Yep, I was right. I looked at him and he winked at me. Woah, could he like me. This is totally awesome. I could finally have a boyfriend for the first time. I can finally have something to write about in my diary. Be brave Aaliyah. Remember what mom taught you. Be flirty to the closest guy you can get too.i closened up on him and flipped my hair.

"The classroom that you're looking for is the first one to your right handsome." I said in a deep, manly voice rather than a sweet, flirty one. Great, he must think I'm a sociopath right now. I hung my head low and waited for the running to start but I never heard it.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Cool, you seem like a nice girl. I'll catch you around." He flashed a sexy ass grin and winked at me then walked away towards his class. I sighed in astonishment. That's the first time a boy even paid attention to me. Usually I would be invisible but, now I'm somebody. I turned on my heel to head to class when I heard the bell ring. Damn! Lunch is already here. Crap! I headed towards my locker to get my wallet when I saw none other than my sister and brother. I stopped in my tracks ready to make a run for it when I saw them look up and make eye contact with me. I turned and ran the other direction. I could hear their screams behind me. I ran into the girls bathroom and went into a stall and locked it. Of course, that wasn't enough to stop my siblings. Scott jumped over the door and Ariel slid under the door. Creepers. It was so cramped but my siblings didn't seem to care.

"We need to Liyah." Scott said a bit pissed at how much I made him run.

"Ueah! You have to stop talking to him, NOW!" Ariel breathed out sharply.

"Who in the hell are you talking about?" I seemed confused which seemed to anger them.

"The new kid. The kid you were talking to earlier, yeah you need to stop talking to him."

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