"St-" She let out a giggle, swatting at his arms, "Luke!" She shrieked, laughing so hard there was now tears in her eyes. "Sto-" He jabbed a particularly ticklish spot, and she doubled over, pulling at his arms as she laughed even harder. 

It took her a minute to realize he was laughing just as hard as her.

This went on for a while until she managed to kick his legs and he jolted back, freeing her. 

They both were laying on his bed across from each other now, laughing. She hadn't laughed this hard in a few months. 

As she settled down she looked over at Luke, His laugh was so rich and wholesome, and his eyes were twinkling golden-brown when he opened them and stared back at her.

"Why did you do that?" Ella cried, wiping under her eyes, as the remnants of her laughter remained. 

"Sorry. Your phone kept ringing and I picked up, it was Mike. He told me to wake you up which I tried by shaking you and yelling your name but you sleep like a rock. After I informed him of the contact name you have for him, he told me to tickle you. Didn't realize it would work so well." He explained, clutching his stomach, after the laughing fit.

Well, there was Ella's karma for naming Mike 'Stupid'. 

"You're such a dick," Ella yelled, even though the situation was quite funny.

Luke looked at her for a minute, as if pondering something, before he said,

"Can I be your dick?"

Ella froze.

"What?" She asked incredulously. A slight pink colour tinged his high cheekbones.

"That sounded better in my head!" He cried, groaning as he put his head in his hands, watching Ella laugh at him.

"You," She said between giggles, "You need- you need to work on your pick up lines." 

He shrugged, throwing a cheeky smirk her way. "So? How about it? Can I be yours?" He asked, confidently.

Ella paused. Was he serious? Was he asking her what she thought he was asking?

"You wanna," She hesitated, "Be mine?" 

"Yeah." He nodded. Was he admitting he had feelings for her, this nonchalantly? For someone who had pushed her away and been so distant, Ella wondered what had made him so bold.

Mulling over this, she had been silent for a few minutes, clearly sending him the wrong signal. 

He sighed, turning away, "Forget it, I-mmph." He didn't get a chance to finish, as the next second Ella had launched herself onto him, crushing their lips together.

She closed her eyes and kissed him hard, her legs on his lap, and her hands holding his face loosely in place, as he instantly kissed her back. 

She mashed their lips together in a frenzy, pulling back when she couldn't breathe anymore. His eyes fluttered open, his lids low and his eyes full of longing?

"Yeah." She breathed into his mouth, gazing into his eyes. "You're mine." 

His mouth quirked up into a goofy smile, his eyes bright. 

She pressed her lips back into his, and his hands come up to rest on her hips, pushing her shirt up to touch her heated bare skin with his cool, fingers.

She caressed his jaw, kissing him tenderly and passionately before she leaned back again. She dropped her forehead onto his, holding his face up to hers. 

"And I'm yours." She murmured, her mouth on his, his hands tightened on her.

They grinned at each other, wrapped in a tight embrace, as she leaned in to kiss him again.

a/n this was my favorite chapter

I am once again promoting my other story "loving carter", I like it better

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I am once again promoting my other story "loving carter", I like it better

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