Celestial Plane

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In the beginning, darkness shrouded all.

Lonely, plain darkness.

Citlati didn't like being lonely. Even though he had chosen to make his own plane away from the others, he wasn't fond of having no one to speak to 

So he made himself stars.

Galaxies upon galaxies of stars.

It wasn't so dark anymore.

He surrounded himself in glittering diamonds and colors beyond imagination.

He felt at home for a little while.

Then he began to become interested in the species that walked the Mainland Plane.

Wizards. Orcs. Fairies. Multitudes of creatures that fascinated him.

But the magic they all possessed caught his eye. Even the most normal of people had magic flowing through their veins. 

Citlati started to experiment with his own magic. By far, the things he could do were the most beautiful.

Shifting galaxies of stars and using them as portals, walkways, tools. Anything you could imagine.

Again, he became lonely.

He had the stars to keep him company but he longed for someone to speak to, for someone to share this great power with him.

Thus he began searching.

He wanted to share the magic with many but to do that, he had to start with one.

He found Castor.

Castor ran the smallest of stores that sold magical items. Castor's Collectables.

Being in a largely unmagical area, it was a sought after shop. People with little magic wanted to make up for it with items, objects, and wealth.

Citlati found Castor to be helpful and kind.

He was confident and liked a challenge.

Most importantly, his heart was pure.

Citlati came to Castor first in a dream.

He took him to his plane of existence and showed him the stars.

Castor was hooked with just one look.

Castor became Citalti's personal follower. He left his small shop to a friend and used the powers he was gifted to travel across the world.

His job was to find others worthy of the celestial powers Citalti offered.

When Citlati got lonely, Castor would join him in the plane of stars. Of course, after a few changes were made.

Citlati had never needed anything to walk on, the stars were his stepping stones but Castor wasn't the same.

So a flat plate of pure white was made for his followers to join him upon.

The power was granted to few, despite being wanted by many once word got out of its capabilities.

Castor was careful though.

He knew they had to be pure of heart.

Like him.

Like Citlati.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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