Chapter 45: Enemy's Den

Start from the beginning

He clearly recognized her, and the fact that he hadn't put her below the pavement meant that he was going to move her.

Her thoughts were bombarded with the unwelcome iron cell and shackles, shoulders thrusting forward without permission as the whip he held cut into her relentlessly. The scars on her back burned as a reminder. 

No, I can't think about that right now.

Calista let herself fall into a practiced mindset, the high stakes somehow making the transition easier. It was like she subconsciously knew what she stood to lose if she failed, and that was enough to pull her through the panic.

She maintained her ragged breathing, but this time it was purely for show. Slowly maneuvering herself upright, she winced as she felt her ribs shift uncomfortably, stabbing pain jolting throughout her.

Can't catch a break, huh?

Deep down, she knew it was her own fault. If she was a more passive person, this probably wouldn't happen so often. But she couldn't stand down. 

I have the opportunity to do something, to change this place. I'm going to take it.

"Tongue-tied kitten?" Kum-ji snarled, ticking off his fingers. "You were brought here by, heh, let's just say he's a friend of mine... and you never thought once to hide from me? Maybe you wanted me to find you."

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes, she played him by darting her gaze away for a second before glancing up at him. The sly smile that spread across his face made her sick.

Appearing demure and brainwashed, she tapped into the foggy haze edging the rational part of her brain, utilizing only the bare minimum of anxiety to get her through this. The whimper that left her lips sounded completely pathetic to her ears, but this was the only time she was proud of it.

Until it started to blur together, alarm bells going off in her head, warning her of the danger zone. If she slipped under now, everything would be in jeopardy.

He reached out for her, and the predatory shine in his eyes immediately made her recoil. As soon as he touched her legs, he was flying clear across the room.

She had lashed out, and her kicks had caught him in the jaw. Too bad it wasn't hard enough to render him unconscious. 

Kum-ji advanced twice as fast, anger swirling in his eyes. 

"Get away from me." She hissed, but he just laughed in her face. 

He let up, but not because of her. Wood splintered as he broke the headboard with his bare hands, sliding her handcuffs up and over the now freed column it had been chained to. His grip was like steel around her upper arm as he hauled her to her feet.

Calista did everything she could think of to free herself from his grasp, but nothing worked. She was close to tears. 

"No, no, no, no!!"

She dug in her heels as it came in sight, the despair kicking in. He put her inside the cage like some kind of animal. Shrinking back as his malicious intentions were revealed, she didn't make it one step before she was shoved in like some animal. The cage was smaller than she remembered, and she snarled at him as he locked it.

It was the same one cage that Soo-won had her transported in on that mission. This didn't stir up good memories.

Calista pressed herself up against the steel bars, trying to put as much distance between her and him as she could. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, kitten."

She sprung back as sparks flew, a sword striking the bars and a low hum emitted as the metal vibrated.

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