Drugged Inspection

Start from the beginning

"Patton, Roman, it's gonna have to be our jobs to keep calm and make sure the inspector knows about this, and the.. THE LETTERS! Both of them wrote letters! Would they have been able to write letters like that if they acted like they will all the time? Of course not! Virgil, Remus," He says, turning to us. "Unfortuneately, you're both lost causes, I'd like you to go and sit in your beds, and try your best to fight the affects of the drugs."
Remus and I do as he says.

The next hours are the slowest and fuzziest of my life. Everything is a blur. When did everything become so funny? Logan's funny when he paces. I find myself laughing to myself as I look at Patton. His hair is funny. Roman looks really similar to Remus and it's funny. I look at my hands and they are shaking, kinda funny if you ask me. When Roman walks up to me and shakes my shoulders, it's funny. The panic on his eyes as I grab his arm and tell him that it looks funny is funny. When me and Remus make eye contact, both laughing, it's really funny.

But, one thing is funnier than everything else. When a tall man with a clipboard comes into the room with Dr Sanders, it's really, really funny. Remus thinks so too.


Third Person POV: (woah, really?)

"What is wrong with those two?" The inspector says, looking over to the two laughing boys on their beds. Virgil makes an aeroplane with his hand and a noise to accompany it.
"Ah. Severe cases of Insanity, very sad really." Dr Sanders says.

"No! No! Mr Inspector, you need to listen to us, without him." Patton ejects, pointing to the hospital's head doctor.
"I see. Is that okay with you, Thomas?" Dr Sanders grimaced, before reluctantly agreeing.

As soon as the door closed, Logan started to talk calmly.

"Sir, Virgil and Remus are the boys over there, this morning, Dr Sanders had their drinks spiked so that they would act like that for your inspection. I promise you that they're completely normal and sane."

"Virgil and Remus? So, you boys must be Logan, Patton, Roman and Janus?" He asks.
"Yes! Yes! That's us. Nearly, all of us. They wrote segments of the letter that was sent to you. Do you think they could have written those if they always acted like this? You have to believe us, we aren't crazy, Sir." Roman says.

The man walks over to Virgil's bed, and puts a hand on his arm. Virgil flinches away at the touch, and stops laughing for a moment.
"I see." The inspector walks over to Remus, and does a similar thing, but he grabs Remus' wrist and jerks him forward, mimiking the treatment that he wrote about in his section of the letter.
He pauses for a moment, thinking.

"I believe you."

"You do?" Patton asks.
"Indeed. Both are showing symptoms of being drugged. If this is the case, then that is highly illegal on Dr Thomas Sanders' part."


I feel sick. That funny tall man is still in our room. The door opens and Janus comes in, I can recognise him. His eyes are red and puffy, has he been upset?
"Jan Jan!" I hear Remus call. Janus drops the small bag that he's holding and leaps over somebody's bed to get to him.
"Woah.. are you okay, Re? What did they do to you?!" He asks, looking concerned.
"Virgil got it too!" He yells between giggles. I find myself laughing as Janus walks to my bedside, the trio of other roomates and the Inspector following him.
"Oh my gosh. This is stupid." He says, putting a hand on my forehead as I giggle and push his hand away.

"Wait, wait! How did the court date go?" Patton asks, looking to Janus.
"Later, Patton. We have more important things to worry about." He says, looking from me to the other boy in his bed.
"Mr Griffis, is it?" The Inspector says.
"Yes Sir." Janus replies, holding his hand out. The man shakes it.
"If I'm not mistaken, you've just returned from court."
"Yes Sir."
"How did it go?"
"If you don't mind me asking Sir, why are you being so kind to me?"
"Because you're a human being, Mr Griffis."
"Oh. Thank you. Well, it didn't go amazing, but there's no point dwelling on the past."

The inspector looked up from his clipboard, then around the room.
"I believe everything you've told me. Especially considering the reaction of your roomate. Having just returned from a situation as stressful as a courtroom, you showed real empathy towards your friend, young man."

Janus looks taken aback. "Thank you."

"It has been lovely speaking with all of you, please give your roomates my regards when they are back to their normal selves. It will be about two days until you are made aware of my decicion."
"Wait, Sir." Logan inturrupts.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"
"Ah, my name is Mr. Intuis."
"Okay, well thank you Mr Intuis, and a good day to you."
"Yes. You too."

When the door closes, I burst out laughing. I'm not really sure why.


It's the morning now. I can tell from the sounds of the birds chirping. I have the worst headache of my life, and groan in pain.
"How are you feeling?" Logan asks me, putting the back of his hand on my forehead.
"Mmphmm." Is all I can say as I toss in bed.

I gasp in shock when water is thrown over my face, sitting up, I wipe my eyes and realise that Roman was the culprit.
"You're awake now, aren't you?"
"I-I guess. Thanks.. What hap-happened yest-terday?"
"It went really well, actually. Mr Intuis believed every word we told him. Nice guy."

I suddenly have a memory strike me. Janus. He's lying on his back, legs crossed, arms behind his head, looking up to the ceiling.
"H-How did the c-c-court go?" I ask in anticipation.
"12th June." He replies.
"The date of my death. June 12th."

I drop something that I wasn't holding. What? This- This wasn't meant to happen. Oh gosh. I've only known these people for a month and a bit, but I feel more emotionally connected to them than anyone else. I look to the others, begging them to tell me it isn't true. They just look at the floor, at the walls. at the ceiling. I feel hot tears streaming down my face.
"D-d-does Remus kno-know?"
"Not yet. He's still fast asleep. He's going to be devastated." Janus says from his bed.
"Why aren't you upset, J?" Patton asks the man.
"There's no point in being upset now. I did enough of that already. I guess I convinced myself that this was going to happen, so I wasn't shocked when the judge brought his gavel down."

"Wh-what evidence did th-they use?" I ask, the truth finally starting to sink in.
"An aregument I had with my father the night before the fire. It was about something small, but my neighbours were 'witnesses.' Claimed they heard me yelling at him. Which, they probably did. And they didn't need any more evidence. They would never have believed me, I'm just a crazy person after all."

"If you don't mind me asking, what did start the fire?" Logan asks.
"I couldn't tell you, because I don't know. And that made it a lot easier for fingers to be pointed at me."

I sigh, lying back down in bed. This wasn't mean to happen.


Woah, look! Here comes the angst train! Choo Choo! ..I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I only plan on there being two more chapters, since I tend to write them quite long, so I really hope you enjoy them!

2074 words

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