Chapter 1

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It's been 3 months since Jennie and I broke up. I came back to France as soon as quarantine ended. Quarantine lasted like 2 month and half. Hailee and I were going out through that month but decided to go seperate ways since we think it won't work at all.

Now I'm at school, to finish the last few weeks.

I still don't understand why I have to be at school when there's only a couple of weeks left. Like bruh~ we could have just stayed at home and finish it, and I wasn't in the mood to study.

Anyway, here I am, still thinking about her...

"Y/n !!" Emma said

"Sorry.. What?" I said

"How was quarantine?" she asked

"It was....​Fine" I said 'Liar'

"It was chill you know, no noisy neighbors and all" Alicia said and gave me a weak smile

"So how are you and Jennie?" Marie asked

"We..." I hesitate and Alicia squeeze my hands assuringly

"We broke up" I sigh

"Oh no, I'm so sor-" "It's OK" I cut Marie off before she could apologize

"Why?" Rachelle asked

"Just something, it's not important.." I said

"You can tell us anything you know~" Rachelle said

"I know and it's not anything important" I said and gave a weak smile

"But-" She winced afterward, I didn't know why.

"Don't you think it's too hot? Let's walk!" Alicia said and dragged me with her and we start walking ahead of the girls. She hold my hand as if I was going to get lost

"Are you OK?" she said softly

"Yeah~" I whispered

"It's gonna be OK, I'm here for you~" she said smiling and I smiled back. We walked around breaktime and went to class when the bell rung.

I was all depressed in class.

I mean like it's been 3 months right?
I should have moved on, right?

A part miss her, a part of me regret, a part just felt the needed to.

"So, guys! There's a new student in your class today!" the teacher said and we were so confused since it was like nearly the end of school year

"Yes, I know but she was meant to be in your class before quarantine started." the teacher said

"Come on in!" she said and a girl just a little smaller than my height about 2-3 centimeters

"Hi.." she said shyly and the class all whisper around saying things and I heard one of the guy saying mean things. I was about to say something but the teacher was there so I just ignored it

"M-my name i-is A-Ashley~" she said, i was to depressed to even react to it

I'm still thinking to myself if I didn't call it quits. If I had listened to her back then. If I sh- "-next to y/n" I heard the teacher said and looked at her blankly

"Pardon?" I said

"She will be sitting next to you" my teacher said. I just open my mouth to show that I understood.

The new girl sit next to me and I just went back being my depressed self

"Cheer up~" Alicia said holding my arm and smiled and I smiled and sigh

UNEXPECTED II​ // JENNIE X GIRLUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum