Author's note (July 5th 2020)

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It's finally "done!" YAY!

It took literal years to complete this story and while I am super happy to be able to mark the story complete it's obviously not yet done. Over the next little while I'm going to try to do some light clean up - basic edits, fixing the fact that I didn't number my chapters properly, etc.

 After that I'll need to do heavier edits to fix the trickier things  - chapters that are of varying lengths, not enough building up of Kay's character earlier on, etc. 

If you have any suggestions or thoughts for how I can make this better let me know!

And... if you notice a big gap in comms from me it's because I'm due to give birth sometime between now and the end of the month. I suspect it will be hard to find time to write for a time after that. 

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