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"Harkan? What is it?" I asked when I heard him growling and barking. His body was changing and he whined as he fought to stay. He was being called by his master. I kneeled to pet his head while I showed him a soft smile. "It is alright...Alucard needs you right now. Go to him, we will be fine by ourselves" I whispered, kissing his forehead before he disappeared in a cloud of black mist.

The boy jumped over us and tried to escape but Walter caught him by the arm. I flinched in disgust as I watched him let his arm get cut off just to escape. "Gah!" I heard Seras scream. I unsheathed my swords and cut the arm that had grasped her ankle. I pulled her behind me to protect her while I cut down the ghouls that were standing in my way. I could feel that she was afraid. "Seras, don't look!" I told her, seeing her comrades being killed was hard for her. No matter how much I hated the idea of killing my allies, they were no longer alive. I had no choice but to cut them down.

I heard her cry out and I bit my bottom lip before pulling her to my chest so she wouldn't suffer any longer. "Shhh~ it's alright, little one. Mommie's here, there is no need to be afraid" I whispered. There were too many of them. One ghoul managed to grab my arm, I cut him down but I accidentally let go of my sword. Another grabbed my arm again and I pushed Seras away so that I would be the only one to get captured. "Run!" I screamed at both of them while I was surrounded by ghouls. "Ms. Ellah! Mother!" I heard Seras call but I couldn't see her among the crowd of ghouls. I tried reaching for my other sword but they grabbed both of my arms. I tried kicking them away and managed to get a few when they grabbed both my legs as well.

I couldn't move, I felt disgusted as their hands roamed around my body and the scent of rotting corpses overwhelmed my senses. I was beginning to feel dizzy. "G-get off me..." I muttered as I felt my body weaken. The stench was making me dizzy. Before I could lose feeling in my limbs, I saw Seras again. I screamed for her to run but something was different about her. She was...smiling.

She grabbed a ghoul and threw him over her shoulder before stomping down and crushing his head. Then, she began to attack the ghouls, punching and kicking at them. I watched, frozen in the sidelines as she brutally killed all of them with a toothy smile on her face. "Seras!" I called to her but she couldn't hear me. It was like she was oblivious to her surroundings, it was like she was possessed. Possessed by something that drove her to kill savagely. Almost like how I was when I was stricken with grief and vindictiveness. She kicked the last ghoul to the wall before placing her foot on his head, slowly crushing it.

"Seras, enough!" I exclaimed, rushing to her and pulling her away from the already unmoving ghoul. I pulled her to my chest and caressed her hair to calm her down. "Shh~ child, it's alright. I'm here, mommies here, calm down" I whispered in her ear and I felt her body soften. She grasped the fabric of my top and sniffled into my chest. "I-I was s-so scared...you and m-master are like parents to me...I didn't want to lose you too" she whispered, crying against my chest. I was surprised but I felt happy that she saw us that way. It was what I wanted all along. "Shh~ I know...I know...I'm alright. You saved me, my dear Seras. I will always be here for you~"

Alucard's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop my feet from bouncing up and down impatiently as I waited for the trespassers to reach me. It was because of them that I couldn't stay by Ellah's side while she woke up. One of my familiars was there but it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to be the first one to see her, to hold her in my arms and hear her voice telling me that she was alright and that I didn't have to worry. I was so overcome with anger when she was hurt by that damned priest that I couldn't hear her voice before she fell unconscious. Now, after a week of waiting for her to awaken, I had missed my chance because of an attack.

She was awake and I wanted nothing more than to be by her side. I was craving for her presence, her scent, and her voice. Whoever these people were, I was going to make them pay for making me miss my dear Ellah so much. I was stuck, waiting in the room that I used to call my own. This was the room behind the mirror where I spent my days back when I was still alone before I met Ellah. It was as cold and lonely as I remembered it.

I wanted to be with her, I missed her terribly and I could never forgive myself if I didn't apologize for letting her get hurt in the hands of that priest. I managed to heal her wounds by letting her drink my blood but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't give her back her wings. I needed to see her but I couldn't until I was done with what I had to do and the bastard was taking his sweet time. For someone who had a vendetta against me, he sure was taking his sweet time.

Finally, I heard a loud explosion that destroyed the mirror entrance and footsteps that slowly walked down the steps. My prey was finally here and I was finally going to see Ellah again.

"It's about time you got here. Let's make this quick, my wife and daughter are waiting"

His Salvation (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now