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When I regained conciousness, all I could see was the red interior of the coffin but I couldn't sense Alucard's presence anywhere. The room outside was completely empty and I wondered why. I knew it was asking too much but I kind of expected him to be waiting for me to wake up or even be sleeping next to me but...I guess he had other important things to do. He can't disobey Sir Integra after all. I tried to open the lid but it was really heavy. I remembered that he was the only one who could actually open the lid both from the inside and out. 

I guess I was stuck here til' he comes back. Nevertheless, it didn't stop me from trying to catch his attention. I banged my fists against the lid and even called his name but there was nothing but silence. Then, all of a sudden, the lid was lifted and a black snout poked its way inside the coffin. "Harkan!" I exclaimed, sitting up and cuddling his head. "It has been a while since I last saw you" I told him while cuddling his head. "Where is your master? Where is Alucard?" I asked him while he licked my face. He poked my nose with his before walking to the door. He was telling me to follow him. 

I jumped out of the coffin and followed Harkan out of the room. We were walking up the stairs when I felt the ground shake and heard the sound of an explosion. I gripped the wall for support until the ground stopped shaking then I heard the sound of heavy boots padding against the floor. I looked to Harkan and we nodded our heads at one another. I ran up the stairs, following after Harkan until we reached the main floors. A soldier passed by holding a rifle and I grabbed onto his collar before he got the chance to run away. 

"What is happening?" I asked him before letting go of his collar. "We are under attack by a group of Vampires!" he exclaimed before running off. I bit my cheek and followed him. Looks like I will have to fight as well. 

I lost track of the man half way and I ended up in a corridor where a group of ghouls were blocking the way. I looked to Harkan as he looked at me. "Are you ready?" I asked him and he nodded his head. I unsheathed my swords and we pounced forward to attack. The last time I had fought ghouls, I was clueless and overly stiff with my movements and it made a mess on my clothes but now I knew how to fight them.

It was easier to fight them now that I had Harkan to help me. We had cut a path through them in mere seconds and I side stepped just fast enough to avoid a large bullet that was headed straight at me. "Ellah!" I heard Seras' voice as she laid on the ground on her stomach holding a giant canon. Walter was here as well but he was hiding behind a column. The remaining ghouls behind me had already been blown up by whatever she fired. I patted the dust off of my dress and sheathed my swords, petting Harkan while he barked happily. "You're finally awake! We were all so worried" she said, standing up from the ground with a smile on her face.

I smiled at Seras before approaching her. "I apologize for worrying you" I said, meeting her halfway with Harkan trailing behind me. "I'm sorry for shooting at you" she apologized with her cheeks puffed out and I couldn't help but giggle and pinch her cheeks. She was adorable. "No harm done, dear. I'm just glad that you are alright. Does your neck still hurt?" I said as I caressed her cheek. She shook her head and my smile grew. She was all better.

"Glad to see you up and about again, Miss Ellah" Walter said, approaching the both of us. "Likewise, I would've loved to see the Angel of Death in action" I chuckled before I unsheathed my sword and cut the gun that was aimed at Walter's head before it could fire. "My my...don't you know it is rude to interrupt a conversation between adults?" I asked the person before he was tackled and pinned to the ground by Seras. "Are you alright, Walter?" Seras asked from the ground. "Out of practice but unscathed. That was quite the good tackle, Miss Victoria" he said and I smiled as I commended her as well. "Indeed, where did you learn to do that?" I asked her. "Oh, well, I used to be a cop you know" she replied. So that's why Alucard keeps calling her police girl.

"Sh*t...I didn't know there was a third. So big red has two b*tches. I see he likes blonde's. Lucky bastard" the boy said while Seras kept him pinned to the ground. I didn't like his way of speaking. "Who is this boy with the rude mouth?" I asked the both of them. "He is the one responsible for the attack" Walter answered. "This child managed to break through to the mansion's defense?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Who are you calling a kid, you b*tch! I am a man!" he growled. "Compared to me, you are but a mere child and as I recall, men don't whine like you do" I replied. "You b*tch, just wait til' I get free! I'm going to f*ck you, kill you then f*ck your corpse!" he said through gritted teeth. "How vulgar. May I cut off his tongue?" Walter asked, pulling out his strings while Harkan growled from beside me. I chuckled before placing a calming hand on Walter's arm. "It's alright, Walter. I'm too old to be affected by the words of a child throwing a tantrum. Besides, we need him for information. I shall leave the questioning to you" I told him and he smiled sinisterly. "With pleasure"

I tried to focus on something else so I wouldn't hear the sound of bones cracking but then I felt a sudden twinge in my heart. Something had happened to Alucard. There was another intruder. Then, my ear twitched at the sound of footsteps and groaning. More ghouls.

"You weren't trying to kill us. Instead, you've turned all of hellsing into your ghouls" Walter suddenly said and my hands gripped my swords tightly. "Great plan, isn't it?" the boy said as he stood before his new army. "Please...not again" Seras whispered and I could sense her distress. She had told me all about how she was forced to kill her own group before because they were turned into ghouls. I hugged her close and gently caressed her hair. "I don't want to kill my own people" she whispered. "Shh~...neither do I but they are already dead, my dear. The only thing we can do for them now is to end their suffering as quickly as we can" I whispered to her as I comforted her. "Ms. Ellah is right, Ms. Victoria" Walter said, preparing his string. This will be a difficult battle.

Oh Alucard...please be alright, I will be with you soon.

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