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I hummed a little tune as I sat in the garden making flower crowns. The estate had many flowers that were perfect for flower crowns, bracelets and rings. I heard the familiar panting of a hound and recognised it as one of my master's familiars. A hound with many eyes approached me as I waved him over. I ran my fingers through his soft fur and he barked happily. Speaking of my master, I hadn't seen him in a while. Ever since he allowed me to leave his room, he has been busy with his missions and whenever he returned, he would sleep in his coffin instead of on my bed. It felt like he was avoiding me somehow. Had I done something wrong? Was he testing my loyalty when he allowed me to leave his room? Did I fail him? Was he disappointed with me?

The hound whined as he nuzzled my hand. He hopped up the bench and licked my tears away as they fell. "I-I'm s-sorry...I-I just...I j-just miss him" I mumbled as I nuzzled his fur. I had never experienced something so painful in my life. My heart felt like it was being tied in knots. I cried for at least thirty minutes but afterwards I felt slightly better than before.

"I-I'm sorry...t-that was unsightly. Do you want to play?" I asked the hound and he barked happily, wagging his tail in excitement. I grabbed a stick and played fetch with him until he was satisfied. "I'm sorry...I haven't asked for your name yet" I asked the familiar. He shook his head and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "Do you not have a name?" I asked and he nodded. I tapped my finger on my chin, thinking of a name that would suit him. "How about Harkan?" I suggested and he nodded and barked happily while wagging his tail.

I gave him belly rubs as he licked my face and I giggled. "Harkan it is then"


"Walter, this tart is delicious!" I exclaimed as I ate the piece. I happened to pass by the kitchen and Walter was preparing something for Sir Integra and he gave me a piece of the tart. "I am quite honored to have earned your praise, Ms. Ellah" he said. "Walter...you've known my master for a while now, right?"

"Do you mean Alucard? Why, yes we have known each other for a long time"

"Do you, by any chance, know what his favorite food is?" I asked shyly. He thought for a moment before replying "Vampires don't usually eat human food but he does have a favorite wine"

"Really?!" I was too excited and it surprised Walter. "May I ask why?" he asked me and a sad smile appeared on my lips. "I was just curious. I wanted to know more about my master..." I trailed off as I began to remember his face. "Is there something wrong, Ellah?" Walter asked and I shook the thoughts away. He looked worried. "No...I was just...remembering something...nevermind. I'm going out for some fresh air" I said to Walter and he told me to be careful since it was already dusk.

I went to the garden and sat back on the bench, just watching as the sun came down and the moon took its place. I counted star after star and even connected some of them to make  weird shapes. A butterfly suddenly appeared in my line of sight and I giggled as it landed on my nose. "Hello there" I said to the little thing as it moved from my nose to my outstretched finger. "What brings you here on this fine evening -err uhm- night" I joked as if the butterfly could understand me like Harkan could.

It flew away and I giggled again. I probably annoyed it. I stared at the sky again until some rustling alerted me. "H-hello? I-is somebody there?" I asked out loud, no reply. I suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching me. "M-maybe it's time for me to go back inside" I muttered to myself as started to feel the cold wind.

When I had returned to my room, my master was already gone. His coffin was empty. The words written on it had always interested me. It sounded poetic but I had never read it in any of the books in the library. Although I couldn't understand it's meaning, it sounded very beautiful, almost like a song. I stared at the coffin one last time before changing into my night clothes and lying down on my bed. The room felt so lonely and cold without his presence so I hummed a little tune to help me fall asleep.


I hummed as I rearranged the books in the shelves. I had decided to stay in the library for the entirety of the day. I was only planning to read but I got bored of that so I decided to arrange the books in alphabetical order. I have been learning a lot lately and it was nice to finally be able to put all of that knowledge to good use.

I heard a knock from the door and Walter walked in with some tea and snacks for me. "Hello Walter" I greeted on top of a ladder. I was going down the steps when I missed one and fell down. "Owwie..." I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my sore bottom. "Are you alright Ms. Ellah?" Walter asked worriedly as he helped me on my feet. "Y-yes...I-I'm fine" I said as I stood up.

"Are you sure?" I nodded testing my footing. I felt a sting on my right ankle but it was only small. I had been through worse situations. "I have brought some tea and sandwiches. You should take a break" he said and I nodded. He put the tray on the table and left quietly.

I sighed as I tried to walk over to the table. Every step I took made the sting come back. I finally made it to the table and sat down. The tea smelled like wild berries. I ate the rest of the snacks and finished the tea before going back to work. I shook the pain away when it came and ignored it when it wouldn't go away.

When I was finally done with the library, it was already nighttime. I brought the tray with me to the kitchen and returned it before making my way to the garden. The smell of the flowers calmed me and I took a spot on my favorite bench. The moon was full and it was beautiful.

I heard rustling again, thinking it was Harkan I called for him but I was wrong. "Hello there, little kitten. I have been waiting for this moment since I first laid my eyes on you. Finally, your master is gone. Now I can have you all to myself~" he cooed. I turned around to see a man in a military uniform standing before me. His smile was sinister and scary.

"W-who are y-you?" I stuttered, trying to keep my distance but my ankle started to hurt. He licked his lips, showing off his canines as his eyes began to glow blue. "I'm the one who's going to tear your precious little body to pieces and break that vampire"

His Salvation (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz