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I tried to keep myself from disturbing them as they helped Ms. Victoria with her training. I was only allowed to watch them, although, I did not understand why. After another hour, they decided to take a break. "I don't understand. What did I ever do to deserve such harsh treatment from him?" Ms. Victoria whined as she sat next to me. I tried to comfort her while I offered her a blood pouch. She still refused to drink it. Even I thought that he was being too hard on her.

"Ms. Victoria-"

"Please, call me Seras"

"Seras, try not to take it personally. Alucard is just... well he's just a bit of a perfectionist but he does make a valid point. In an actual battle, your opponent will not be as lenient as he is to you. You will need to keep your strength up. Drink up, child" I said, offering her the bag once again. She stared at it in a way that seemed like she was pondering over wether she should take it. "I promise that no one was harmed for this. It is donated to us by good and honest people. You need not worry. Please, I am concerned about you and even though he may not show it, Alucard is too"

"Alright fine!" she exclaimed, grabbing the bag and taking a big sip. After finishing it, she looked stronger. More energetic and less... dead. "You know... you two sometimes remind me of my parents. Are you two married?"

"No... I don't think so. I haven't fully grasped that concept yet. I had read about that in books but I still do not understand it" I explained then when I looked back to her. She was staring at me as if I had grown an extra head. "Are you serious?" she asked. "Yes... I do not joke about these types of matters"

"Then, do you know what love is?"

"I...do... it is a feeling of deep affection for someone"

"Then let me ask you this, Ms. Ellah. Have you ever fallen in love?" she asked and I thought about it but nothing came to mind. I didn't even know what falling in love was supposed to feel like. "H-how do I know... if I had fallen in love?" I asked her. She was about to explain it to me when she was pulled by the ear back to the targets by Walter. Alucard then sat next to me. "That girl is hopeless" he sighed as he grabbed a pouch and drank its contents in one big gulp. I chuckled as I grabbed the empty pouch and threw it in the rubbish bin. "She is not hopeless. She's just... having a hard time adjusting. Personally, I think you are too hard on her. She is just a child... " I mumbled as I watched her struggle with her strength training.

"That is precisely why I am hard on her. She is now immortal, frozen in time. Regardless of what age she had stopped aging, she needs to grow up, otherwise, she will die immediately" he huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. I couldn't help but smile. I was right, he was worried.

After a while, it got too quiet and I twiddled with my thumbs before letting out a deep breath. "Alucard... Have you ever... fallen in love... with someone?" I asked. When I turned to him, he was already looking at me with the softest gaze I had ever seen. He smiled as well and it made my heart skip a beat.

"Yes... no matter how monstrous I am, I am still capable of feeling at least some human emotion. I was human once before. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing in particular. I just don't understand it. I've read about it in countless books yet I still do not understand it" I mumbled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer as he nuzzled my cheek. "What you understand is not that important. It is what you feel that truly matters. Human emotions are...complicated but once you experience them, feel them deep within your heart, you will understand them" I giggled. "How is it that a centuries old vampire knows more about human emotions than me?" I said, cuddling closer to him.

"I've been watching humans for a long time, Ellah. I've seen a lot of things" he replied. "Right and I've been stuck in a trunk for most of my human life so...I didn't really get to experience much...but because of that, you found me..." I said, smiling up at him.

"Yes... you will no longer suffer..." he whispered as he pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

"You two look just like an old married couple. Except...Ms. Ellah looks too young to be your wife" Seras said as she walked up to us. Alucard glared at her before pulling me up to his lap. I squeaked at the sudden movement.

I sweat dropped. I had to do something before they decided to fight each other. "N-now now... Why don't we all just go to sleep. I-it is getting late" I suggested. Alucard stood up with me in his arms and proceeded to walk away. "Can't you two just get along?" I asked and he huffed as he walked. "Why do you favor her so much?"

"She is young, just like how I was when you first found me. I-I want to help her just like how you helped me..."

"I understand...you feel responsible for her..."

"And you turned her so she is our responsibility. So try to be nice to her, even just a little bit"

He chuckled as he walked into our room and set me down on the bed. "You make it sound like we are her parents..."

"W-well...w-why can't we? We may not be her biological parents but we have been vampires longer than her so we are capable of guiding her" his smile grew at that thought and he leaned in closer to me, his eyes glowing brightly. "Well...in that case...you will have to wear this then..." he said, pulling out a ring and slipping it on my left ring finger. "W-what is this for?" I asked as I stared at the ring with the sparkly red gem. "It's a promise. That is to symbolize that you and I will be working together as Ms. Victoria's guardians. I will indulge in this little game of house of yours as long as you are wearing that. So I suggest that you ensure that you do not lose it"

"I-It is not a game..." I muttered but he chuckled and sat next to me. "Of course...whatever you say, my wife"

His Salvation (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن