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I sit on the plush chair in a small room, with a desk, and a bed, and think that this room is probably never used. I hear the door open then close. I turn around thinking it will be Mother and Father. It is not though. It is Lagoona, who supported our family all those times after Kana left.

She doesn't look sympathetic, or show any signs of pity, she just kneels down in front of me and clasps my hands in between hers and stays like that. She is not a woman with many words.

"One minute left!" The Peacekeeper from outside announces.

Lagoona lets go and hurriedly says, "You can do this, Avarsh. Think of your butchering lessons. You are handy with a knife, you can win it."

She slips a necklace that has a big glass teardrop attached to it. I look at her questioningly, what is the purpose of it? The look that she shoots me shows that I need to find it out myself, intelligence is a big factor in the Games, after all. If I cannot figure this riddle out, how will I understand the much bigger ones in the Games?

She looks at me. "In my mind, you have already won. I'm betting on you."

I smile at her and wave goodbye. The Peacekeeper leads her out.

Next, my mother and father come in.

"Who got there before us?" Mother wonders.

"Lagoona," I reply. "She gave me this." I show her the necklace. My mother figures it out almost immediately. She laughs. "Smart woman. So typical of District 10," she lowers her voice, "The Capitol won't notice anything."

I am puzzled even further. Father hugs me. "Remember that we love you. Don't let that arena change you into something that you aren't."

"We already lost Kana," Mother adds, "Please don't leave us."

That is when the time is up. They hug me one last time and say that they believe in me. Tears are shed, then they are lead out. No one else visits me, even though they apparently pity my parents. Because of Kana.

Ah yes. Kana, Kana Valian. My sister. Who was actually lucky, in some way. Peacekeepers caught her performing illegal Hunger Games training with knives used for butchering the animals, and reported her to the Capitol. Luckily the Capitol decided to have mercy on this poor girl, and instead of killing her, they sent her to a Career District of her choice. 1, 2, or 4.

She chose 1, because first off, it has the largest pool of existing Victors. Anyone else would think that would be 2, but 2 plays with their victims a lot, which leads to accidents because they draw it out so much. Either the victim regains its composure, and kills the oppressor, or some other tribute sneaks up behind them and kills him/her. District 1 does not do that. They give the tributes quick deaths.

Second off, while 2 trains the tributes to excel in one skill, District 1 makes sure that their tributes are trained in each weapon, so that if their preferred weapon is not at the Cornucopia, they can use any others.

Third, 1 is the richest District. She would live a life of luxury and comfort.

And 4 is known to not always have Career tributes. But they are usually the second smartest District of the Career Pack. The smartest is 1. And 1 has the most attractive tributes too.

District 1 is deadly.

District 1 is lethal.


A/N: I'm hoping this chapter cleared up why Avarsh's sister is gone. This chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but it was more of a filler chapter. If there is any confusion, please let me know and I will edit the explanation. Comment, vote, and follow!!!

Have a nice day/night, -Brett

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