The Very Beginning (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"What are all the boxes for?" The princess asked, giving up on Juana as she would not budge.

"Your birthday gifts of course!" Juana exclaimed. The princess frowned at the boxes and holders. She generally got one formal dress for her birthday that she never ended up wearing because she wasn't allowed to go to her parents' extravagant parties and balls. "You better not open them until your miter gets in here, though."

Juana rushed the girl into the wash room and helped her undress and get her in the tub. "We must hurry or else we are going to be behind schedule." Juana said as Isabelle slipped under the surface to rinse her long hair. Juana had gotten quite used to the princess's liking of taking several minutes to sit under the water without going up for air. She didn't question it, for which Isabelle was thankful. Juana seemed to have limited patience and Isabelle did not want to push it.

After drying and putting on her under garments, Isabelle drifted over towards her closet that held all her casual and formal dresses. "Princess, the queen asked me to dress you in this." A young maid held up a simple emerald velvet dress with white trim.

"I suppose she wants me to suffocate to death." Isabelle said under her breath. The maid tied her corset so tightly she was sure she would be able wrap her fingers around her slim waist. The maid slipped the dress on and tightened the dress as tight as the corset. Slipping on a pair of simple leather shoes, Isabelle left the young maid in her closet.

"Where is your crown, child?" Juana asked as she reentered her bedchamber. She pointed towards the crown sitting atop the desk next to her comb. "Oh dear, how do you end up with all these knots in your hair?" Juana grabbed the comb when she got a good look at Isabelle's tangled mass of black hair.

"Juana, I can brush my own hair. I am not a child." Isabelle took the comb from the maid's hands and took a seat at her wooden desk. "Could you please fetch my breakfast?" Juana nodded and left the room, gesturing for the other maids to follow.

Isabelle picked up the brush and began to detangle her hair. Pulling her hair to the back she continued to brush and when she could no long reach the tips she released her grip on the comb. Instead of falling to the ground, the comb continued to brush through her hair. She smirked at the little trick she had known since she could remember. She picked up her gold crown that had diamonds and sapphires nestled in it and placed it on her head. She grabbed her comb and placed it next to mirror. With one last glance at her high cheekbones and slim face, she decided she couldn't do anything about her pale complexion.

Boredom washed over her and she longed for something to do while waiting for someone to return. Her room was bright room was spotless and the sky high bookshelves were filled with books that she had already read. With a glance back at the locked door, she focused on a small portion of the floor and snapped her wrist upwards. A square sized piece of the floor flung up and she rushed to grab the box it was hiding before the flooring placed itself back with the floor. Isabelle strode over to her bed and slowly opened the box keeping her ears sharpened for noise outside of her room. She pulled the small book from the box and felt for her favorite page. Isabelle had found this 10 years earlier when the old head maid's daughter called her a freak and she had ran to her room and cried and banged on the floor when she heard it was hollow. When she first read the book she thought it was a book of fairy tales but discovered just a few short years later that it was reality. The book held the story about people who had magic ability or control over elements and vampires, immortal beings who survived off of human blood. Together they controlled all other magical beasts and humans were used at their disposal. But times changed and humans gained power and the magical creatures and beings began to disappear until they were hidden from sight till this very day.

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