Chapter 24

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I'm walking down in the supermarket while pushing the cart and shopping groceries with dad and Holly. I'm actually exhausted because I just got off from school.

"Hey, how much for those ass?" An old man smirks at me while walking passed me.

"What did you say?!" Dad frowns to that guy.

"Oh you must be her sugar daddy. I'm sorry." He laughs sarcastically.

Dad gets that man quickly and hit him many times as he fall down to the ground. "First, catcalling is one of sexual harassment and it's not accepted and second, that's my daughter that you catcalled." Dad glares at him.

"Well, look at to the way she dressed." That man protest.

"There is nothing wrong with the way she dressed. She wore appropriate outfit. It's your brain that's inappropriate. We can report you to the police for what you did. I'm a sex ed teacher in high school and I know exactly about that law." Holly glares at him.

"Excuse me, what's going on here?" The securities come to us.

"This man was catcalling my daughter. It was really inappropriate and uncomfortable. She got scared because of him!" Dad says to the officers.

"We are sorry, sir. This thing won't happen again. We are apologize for the uncomfortable moment." The officer says and bring the man away.

"What you did was right, it's not about how she dressed but those men are the problem." A woman smiles at dad.

"Thank you, I'm just protecting my daughter." Dad nods and smiles back at him.

"Don't be scared. They're wrong, not you." That woman smiles at me and walks away.

"Are you okay?" Dad asks me.

"Kind of scared." I said to him.

"Don't worry, I got you here." Dad puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head.

I put my arm around his waist and hugging him from his side. Holly rubs my head and take over the cart and pushing it as dad and I walk behind her.

I feel like we are family once again. I'm happy with the presence of Holly here. She is funny, smart, and really fun to hangout and talk with. I'm having a new best friend and yes, that's true.

"Want some frozen yogurt?" Dad turns his face at me.

"No." I shake my head. "But I want the usual Greek yogurt." I said to dad.

"Okay, let's get some." Dad nods. "You stay here with Holly, I will get some for you." Dad says to me and walks away.

"You okay?" Holly turns her face at me.

"Is there something wrong with the way I dress?" I ask her.

"Honey, there is nothing wrong with that. You are wearing appropriate outfit. You covered up your tank with a cardigan and that jeans is long enough. He was the one who's wrong. He was the pervert one." Holly says to me.

"I'm scared if I was alone then I can defend myself." I half smiled.

"Yes you can. Girl power! Remember?" Holly smiles at me.

"Yeah right." I nod and smile back at her.

"That's my girl." Holly smiles back at me and rubs my head.

"Okay let's go to the checkout counter." Dad put the yogurt in the cart then walk to the checkout counter.

"You will come to New York with us right?" I turn my face at Holly.

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