Chapter 16

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"slow down. Closer. Closer. And stop! See? Right in front of our garage." Dad smiles at me and walks out from my car. "Don't forget to lock it. You just need more practice."

"I know." I lock my car after I get out.

"Hey, Mr. Schue." Finn walks approaching us.

"Hey.. come inside. It's kinda cold outside." Dad says to us and walks to the house.

"What's up? Want to make warm snacks?" I smile at him.

"Can we talk? Privately?" Finn asks me.

"Sure." I nod and walk to the terrace and sit down on the swing chair. "What's going on? Are you okay?" I frown at him and cup his cheeks.

"I kissed Quinn."

"H-H-How? When?" I frown at him.

"After the game, she came to me and thanking me for helping her to do the right thing and she kissed me and I kissed her back. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I couldn't sleep for two days thinking about it." Finn says to me.

"Thinking how amazing the kiss was?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"No. I keep thinking about us." Finn shakes his head.

"There's no us. You shouldn't bother thinking about it anymore." I simply said and get up from my seat.

"Wait, are you breaking up with me?" Finn catches my hand.

"Do you think I would stay with you after what you've done to me? You know how insecure I am when it comes to Quinn. I mean, you're the quarterback and she is the head cheerleader. A perfect combination of dating right?" I said to him and push his hand away.

"But Valentine's Day is coming over. I want to spend it with you." Finn says to me.

"No. You can spend it with someone else." I shake my head. "You know how sensitive I am about this right after what happened with my parents?" I said to him as tears falling down from my eyes.

"Paris, please.." Finn kneels down in front of me and holds my hands.

"No. You should leave. I can't trust you anymore." I shake my head and push his hands away slowly and walk into my house.

I close the door and run upstairs quickly. I walk into my room and cry while sitting down on my bed. I can't believe that a guy like Finn could this to me. I never expect him to do something like that.

I thought this could be our first Valentine's Day together but I was wrong. We got back together on Christmas and broke up again on Valentine's week. How fast was that.


I'm sitting down on a chair in the back row in the choir room and cross my arms on my chest. Finn and I still haven't talk to each other. Well, he kept texting me and apologizing but I didn't respond to any of that.

"All right guys, I have one word for you." Dad says to us as he write "Love" on the white board. "Yes, Brittany?" He turns his face at Brittany.

"Is it "love"? I'm totally going to graduate now." Brittany grins excitedly.

"Valentine's day is coming up, so for this week's lesson I want you guys to pick a partner because you're going to sing to them what you think it's the world's greatest love song. Yeah find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now partner up!" Dad says to us.

"Mr. Schue can I say something?" Finn raises his hand and walks to the front. "I just want to point out that for the first time and entire week has gone by without any of us getting slushied." Finn grins at us as the guys are applauding. "I think the fact that I led football team to a Conference Championship might have something to do with it." He giggles. "Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee club has to a celebrity right now. And just like a famous athlete. I want to give to a charity. You guys. So I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch and donating the proceeds to Glee club to help us..."

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