Chapter 2: Judgement of Gods, Devils and Humans

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Bahamut glares down at them as the seven golden dragons starts to circle in their air above them. His massive tail flicks, casually pulverizing steel walls and ramparts. Storm clouds began to rumble and flash with deep sapphire blue lightning flash through the sky.

"I am very disappointed in you Ozpin. You were chosen by my students to protect the innocent world. But I watched as you tossed your students at your enemy like throwing pebbles at a tank. You sacrifice hundreds of lives, and it does not help! It only makes them stronger, and makes more enemies for you. You cause more deaths than necessary."

"Lord Bahamut I can assure you that I have done all that I can to-"

"Do you know what it's like to be a god? Perhaps you might have thought you were a god sitting in that tower. I have been around for centuries. Many, many times I have been unable to save many good people. I could have, except there was always several factors that prevented me from doing so."

"I-I'm sorry to hear that."

"And yet here you are. Still sending people to their deaths. That silver eyed warrior what was her name? Ah yes, Summer Rose. You nearly had her killed when you sent her to fight Salem! She was ALONE! No help from anyone else. She prayed to see her daughters, even for one last time. I had to intervene, so I sent one of my advisors to save her. She was only crippled, but she survived. But not only, you sent their father nearly to his death after looking over a two month old report! TWO MONTHS! You killed your own children in a useless spat against your wife. You could have nipped the problem at the bus and United the world once you got a fresh start. You could've solved hunrdered of the worlds current problems, except you wasted several lifetimes being a mourning useless drunk. But I, as a god, am not too familiar with mourning, so perhaps I'm being too harsh, but there's still more to add.You also catapult your students, and those that don't have a landing strategy, DIE. Maybe if that had stopped wallowing in self pity ten reincarnations ago, maybe you would have a better society. Maybe there wouldn't have been any White Fang. But you did not bother to fix any of those things. And so, I already decided your punishment. Something that even you can't handle..."

He raises his index. Ozpin attempts to back up, but two of the golden dragon land behind him and roar. He stumbles right into Bahamut's claw, and his gasps. He drops his cane, and he is then flicked away. Bahamut now has a small golden orb.

"This is your curse of reincarnation. It is clear you now no longer need it. I'll keep it for now. I'll figure out who to give it to later."

"B-But I need that! The world needs me!"

"Not any more. You're now a danger to many innocent lives. I'll allow you to keep your position, but I doubt your former allies will let you keep it. Angels of Heaven! You are next!"

The angels nervously walk in front of the dragon, as his expression softens.

"Although you have done your duty well for over a thousand years, you abandoned humanity in it's time of need, and as a result, allowed worms like Ozpin to control and destroy."

"We're sorry Lord Bahamut. After the Great War, we had no way to help the humans. As we struggled to recover, we neglected our humans.."

"*sigh* Of course. Yet you are still to blame. You could've stopped the bloodshed much earlier, but God kept going. But you are his children, and his advisors. As your casualties rose, you could have told him to stop the bloodshed. Yet you didn't. Michael, you failed to stop the Holy Sword Project. You swept it under the rug. I'm very disappointed. Therefore, I would like each of you to step down, while a lease angel take your place temporarily, while you go down to earth and apologize to every single soul who's prayer you never answered. And persecute anyone who had relations with the project. ANYONE."

"Thank you for your kindness."

"And as for the heroes of U.A High... I'm unsure how to judge you. You are good teachers and good influences. But there are a few students whom I question your judgement on. The giant killer robots like the zero pointer are a big risk, especially when they are used as entrance exam villains, despite how devastating they can be. My "punishment" is more of a suggestion. Create more classes at younger ages so students can learn how to control their quirks sooner."

The massive dragon drums his titanic claws.

"I believe it's time for the Governor of the Fallen Angels."

Azazel steps forward.

"You, Azazel, aren't in a lot of trouble. You've done relatively well, helping your species recover, and generally avoid causing trouble. But then there is the business with Kokabiel. You were supposed to keep an eye on him, given his warmongering tendencies, and what do you do? You let him slip out, and nearly level a town and start another Great War. It isn't hard to track down an idiot like him who didn't bother to hide his magic power."

"Yeah that's completely on me. I doubted he was going to do something that stupid."

"Hmmmmm, yes... but you see HERE it's says that your were in town at the time. Where you could have stopped him. Hmm? What's that's about?"

"Yeah, I kinda just... out of it for a few months. I was burned out, but yeah, I should have absolutely intervened."

"Agreed. And I'm glad you were honest and admitted your fault."

"So what's my punishment?"

"Hmm. How about not lust about anything for the next century."

"Being smited starting to sound pretty good."

"I kid. My demand is that when you test sacred gears, use magical constructs. You're going to end up killing someone you care about at one point."

"Ok, I promise."

"Good. I trust my trust in you is well placed. But there's something else I must warn you about, all of you. It seems that my dark counterpart, the dragon goddess of evil, Tiamat, is being unsealed by the villains of this world. I do not know how, but one of her temples has appeared on this planet. They're hiding it, but my scout doesn't be enough. I need your help as well."

"Tiamat. Not our nice Tiamat, but the original, violent nightmare."

Design scoffs at Issei."

"You sure about that? Both of them are equally scary."

"That's because you were stupid and slot the treasures Tiamat let you borrow. No wonder she screams for your death."

"Any ways, we'll scatter all our magical scouts. We will try with the best of our ability to find this temple and tear it down."

"Good. I believe I'll stay to watch this world for some time."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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