The Decision

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As I said at the end of the last chapter I will no longer be posting everyday to try to write better chapters. But I hope you guys like how the last chapter ended, and now. Onto the story

Jason stood right in Keegan's doorway for a second staring at what he saw inside, hoping that what he saw wasn't real. Inside Keegan's room it looked like a fight had taken place, everything in the room looked like it had been thrown around, with most everything that was skewed about was cut through with lightsaber marks. Only one thing was left untouched and it was a letter under the now opened window. Jason took a few steps inside, and then fell onto his knees. 

"No no no, I was too late. If only I had been here a few minutes sooner." Jason said in a low and soft tone, before standing up and deciding to go and get Bow, Adora, and Glimmer and let them know what happened. As well as tell them his Force visions so they understand, what he was about to do. Jason walked next door to Adora's room and knocked on the door saying.

"Hey Adora if you are awake can you come out into the hallway for a few minutes? I need to tell you, Bow, and Glimmer somethings. Ok?" Jason asked nervously, not wanting to wake her up. But at the same time he was unsure about her reaction to what he was about to tell her.

"Ok, give me a minute and I will be right out there." Adora said through her door.

"Ok." Jason replied, before heading to the door across from Keegan's room. Which was the door that Bow had said was Glimmers room.

"Hey Glimmer, if you are awake can you come into the hallway for a few minutes? I need to tell you, Bow, and Adora something. Ok?" Jason asked after knocking. He was surprised to see Glimmer open the door looking like she just woke up.

"Sure, and it is fine. You can wake me up if you need something urgent almost anytime, but what is this thing exactly?" Glimmer said tiredly walking out of her room.

"I will tell you in a minute I just need to go and get Bow." Jason said before turning towards Bow's door and before he even knocked Bow opened the door.

"I heard you have something urgent to tell me, Adora, and Glimmer?" Bow said calmly.

"Yes, are the walls here that thin?" Jason asked curiously.

"No, as soon as you turned your back Glimmer teleported into my room and told me that you have something urgent to tell us. Then she proceeded to teleport into Adora's room." Bow said as if Glimmer teleporting into their rooms was a normal thing.

"Ok, well come on. You guys need to know this thing before morning." Jason said, which got him a strange look from Bow. Bow just shrugged his shoulders and walked out of his room and followed Jason.

"Ok, guys. I am about to show you something, but just know I will explain why it is that way in a minute. Just don't get mad or worried or anything until I am done, ok?" Jason asked, as soon as Glimmer and Adora walked out of her room.

"Ok, but what is so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" Adora asked sounding exhausted.

"Something happened to Keegan." Jason said before turning around and opening the door behind him.

"What the-" Bow started before getting cut off by Glimmer.

"Where is he? What did he do to his room? Why is everything scattered around the room?" Glimmer said in a slightly angry, and slightly worried tone.

"Well he was kidnapped. And he didn't do this on purpose, it was his way of trying to use his surroundings to try to blind his attacker. But he didn't make all of theses cuts on the furniture. You can tell some of it was cut clean in-half, but there are cuts on the furniture that is not from a lightsaber." Jason said explaining.

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