The next thing he said was "Che'ter" after seeing Chester in the background of the video, which led to Rory calling her father "Che'ter" until she was a year old. She only learnt 'dada' after 5 months of Chester's teaching, which was highly disrupted by Isla and me, on several occasions.

There's a picture after that, of Rory and James, sleeping on the bed, hugging. Like siblings. Which was what they looked like, even though Rory had Chester's strawberry blonde hair, and James had Parker's black hair.

A few years after those, there's a video of Rory, asking Isla if her daddy and Parker were famous. There's a quick view of Rage Elixir's channel in the background, with the reaction videos. Probably after James (ever the prankster) daring her to watch a video.

Another bit after that, a video of James knocking on my pregnant belly, asking me if there was actually a real person in there. I tell him yes, then he asks "Well, why aren't they talking?" To which I respond, "You can't hear them talk, because their voice is too small and quiet for you to hear"

"But can they hear me talk?"

"Yes, because your voice is loud, and if you talk to them a lot, they'll know who you are when they come out"

"Mummy, when will they come out?"

"Soon, honey, soon" I'm looking at the camera for help, most likely Parker taking the video. Parker's laughing in the background.

The video ends. There's another video soon after. James is talking to my belly,

"Hey little brother, how are you?"

"James, how are you sure it's a boy?"

"Because I wanna have a little brother!"

"Ok, well, what should your little brother be called?"

"Mummy, does James Potter have a little brother?"

I smirk at Parker, who sitting on the other sofa, and say,

"Yes he does honey, why?"

"What's his little brother's name, Mummy?"

"His little brother's name is Albus" I think Parker knows where this is going, from the horrified look on his face. Isla's laughing in the background, she's probably the one taking the video.

Rory comes over to me,

"Elsa, does Rory have a little brother?"

"No, sorry Rory"

"Mummy, shall we call the baby Albus?"

"No, little man, we should call him something else, right?" Parker looks desperate, he has that look on his face that makes Isla and me crack up.

"Okay, Daddy"

The video ends there. After a bit of scrolling, there's a picture of James and Rory. They're both, most likely under supervision, holding baby Peter. They're both looking at him curiously, and his eyes are open, showing his light brown eyes, the same colour as mine.

Anna wakes up. I pick her up, she's been asleep for a few hours so she's most likely hungry. I take her downstairs, putting her down in her play seat. It's one where she can jump as she plays. The boys go over to her, and Rory follows me into the kitchen. I grab the kettle,

"Mum already heated some water up" Rory tells me.

I measure out Anna's milk, and shake it in the bottle. She's weaning quicker than her brothers, having started 2 months earlier than both of them.

I go back into the living room, and Anna's out of the seat, crawling up at the sofa, trying to reach the boys. I pick her up, and start feeding her. James and Peter come sit with me, they love their sister a lot.

The Sister UnknownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ