Forgiven and Forgotten

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AN: IT'S THUNDERING WHILE I WRITE, I THINK GOD IS BRINGING DOWN HIS WRATH ON ME. Hopefully, there will be fluff in this chapter. Enjoy?

Isla POV

I watch my best friend leaving with my brother, smirking. Chester's behind me. I turn around, and he's... Scowling? It's pointed towards Elsa.

I smile at him, which softens him, and I run up to my room.

"So far so good" I text Elsa, entering my room.

On my bed, there's a rose. I study it.

Chester POV

She's blushing while looking at the rose. It makes me happy, knowing that she's happy.

I watch from the doorway, afraid to go in. I sneak over to Parker's room, opening the door from there. Isla jumps, and I quickly hide. I hear her get up, so I run out and into her room, hiding under her desk.

She comes back into the room, and sits on the bed. I jump out, but I hit my head.

"Ouch" I say, then it all goes black...

Isla POV

Chester's fainted! I heave him up, he's really heavy, and sort of pull him onto the bed. He's still unconscious, and there's a bruise forming. I try to massage it down, and it lowers a little.

I watch him for a bit. Wake up! He's smirking, he probably was trying to scare me. Wait, he's heating up? Ouch! His forehead is boiling! I go grab a wet washcloth, and put it on his head. What? It's what Parker does whenever I have a fever.

I tuck him into my bed, and turn off the lights, going downstairs. I watch TV for a while, after making a call between our phones to monitor him.

I watch mostly Rage Elixir reaction videos, with an AirPod in to hear when Chester wakes up.

Elsa POV

After getting the all clear from Isla, I ask Parker if there's a funfair or theme park nearby. He smirks, and 10 minutes later, we're at a huge theme park, almost twice the size of Adventure Island in Southend.

The sign reads 'Grand Island Fun Center'

I must be looking gobsmacked, because Parker laughs, then pulls me in. He buys a whole load of tickets, then we go to the rides. We go on the really weird rides, like this one where you're strapped into a ball with 3 other people, then a metal claw throws you up into the air, then catches you. It's actually really scary, I'm holding onto Parker for dear life, screaming my head off.

By the time we get off, I'm holding onto Parker, unable to stand still. The next one is a scary funhouse, where we get slid into creepy rooms, and there's a really creepy clown chasing us. I'm literally attached onto Parker's arm, I hat clowns.

We encounter the clown near the end, which makes me scream for dear life, almost squeezing the life out of Parker's arm. Parker quickly guides us out of the house, but I'm still screaming.

Parker POV

Elsa's practically stuck to my arm. By the time we get out, she's still screaming. I go over to an empty bench, and we both sit down.

"We're out now" I tell her. She glares at me.

"Why did you take me in there!" She shouts.

"I didn't know you were scared of clowns!" I tell her. She hugs me tighter, looking around warily, as if she expected the clown to jump out at us.

"You alright?" I ask gently, hugging her back.

"Yeah, can we go somewhere else?" She asks.

I take her to a different ride, and we get strapped in. The ride spins us around really fast, making me feel dizzy, but Elsa starts laughing like a maniac. How is she doing it? By the time we get off, she's still laughing, while I feel really dizzy, leaning on her to stay up.

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