Yet to Bloom

411 8 16

AN: This chapter will feature fluff, and some interesting things will happen.

Isla POV

I wake up, snuggling into Parker. He's really comfy, which is strange, since he was like a stone statue last night. I open my eyes. Wait, Chester? What's he doing here? Actually, this is a warm place, and the outside world is cold, so...

Chester POV

I wake up, with my arms wrapped around a girl. What? When did I do that? But this girl seems familiar, like deja vu. I open my eyes, and... I'm hugging Isla? What? She's snuggling into me too, it feels nice. I gently nudge her, but I regret it, because she wakes up. I realise how awkward this seems so I take my arms off her, and she moves away. We both get out of bed, and I wake up Parker while Isla's in the bathroom. There are noises coming from downstairs.

We go down, and to our surprise, a family of people are sleeping on the kitchen floor. We wake them up, and start questioning them. Turns out that they're just homeless people, who thought the place was empty and stayed here during the night. The girl is surprised too, but she lets them stay in the house as long as they want.

We take all equipment, and go back home in the car. On the way back, the car suddenly runs out of gas, so Isla and I walk home while Parker deals with it.

While we walk, we hold hands (don't ask why). About half an hour in, Isla starts feeling weird, so we stop. I check on my phone how much longer we have to go, it should take us about 15 minutes to get there. When I turn around, I hear a small crash. Oh my god! Isla's fainted! What do I do? 

I pick her up, and start carrying her back. Thank god it's early in the morning. Most people are asleep. I walk slowly, making sure Isla's not hurt every minute. Each step seems like a path to heaven. Her hair lies gracefully, and it waves like the sea as I walk. Her lips are slightly open. They're slightly full, and bright pink, the natural colour.

Once I get home, I take her straight upstairs, and lie her on her bed. She looks peaceful, in her sleeping state. The lights are off. I check her for a pulse. Her pulse sounds normal. I search on Google for what the symptoms could be. Nothing. I call Parker, maybe he'll know what to do.

"Hello?" He says

"Parker, Isla's fainted!"

"What? Is she hurt?"

I check her for injuries. "No"

"How long has it been since she fainted?"

"15 minutes, I walked back home carrying her"

"Ok, um, just wait till she wakes up" And he cuts the call.

I wait by her side until she wakes up, about 3 hours later.

"Chester?" She says


"Can you get me some tea, please?"

It's a strange question, but I do it anyway, happy that she's awake. 

I make a quick tea, with milk and sugar, because she likes it that way. I also grab a chocolate cookie, she likes dunking them in the tea. I take the plate of cookies and the tea up the stairs, where Isla has already sat up. I hear a key being turned downstairs, Parker's back with the car. Isla eats a cookie and drinks some tea. It's only about 2pm, but Parker looks tired, so I let him sleep.

He sleeps half the day, but he goes to sleep as normal in the evening. I stay with Isla, other than to shower and get her food.

Around 9pm, Parker goes to sleep, and Isla and I have started reading fanfiction. Isla watches some YouTube, and I check my Instagram. I edge closer to her, little by little, until we're both side by side. She blushes, and I take out the rose I was hiding in my pocket.

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