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AN: The title pretty much explains this chapter. Hopefully there will be fluff before a blow. Enjoy!

Isla POV

For some reason, I have a bad feeling about today. I don't know why. I move the closet back to the bare bit on the wall, and go downstairs. Parker's already awake, and he's doing something on his phone. I go over to him, but he switches the page, going on to Messages.

Strange, it's as if he didn't want me to see what he was up to...

Anyways, I make a cup of tea, and sit next to him.

"What're you doing?" I ask

"Nothing, just checking if there are any emails"

On messages? He's hiding something. I take out my phone, and send a quick message to Elsa, telling her to feel free to come over whenever she likes.

Parker's going to look at me. He didn't show me what he was doing, and two can play at that game.

I quickly switch to Wattpad. I've started writing my own fanfiction, one where Harry and Hermione are twins, and Percy Jackson is their cousin. I'm currently working on Chapter 11, so I go onto it and start typing up the rest of my story. I just begin to introduce my OC (a wizard named Chester) when Chester comes downstairs. I follow him into the kitchen, asking him what he wants to eat.

He knows me too well, telling me to make whatever I'm currently thinking of. He grins at me, then walks off into the living room with his coffee. I make this recipe I've been meaning to try out, pancake muffins in bacon. You wrap the bacon around the circumference of a muffin tin, then pour in pancake batter. The batter is flavoured maple syrup, and I put it in for about 20 minutes at 180°C (AN: Please don't try to make this at home, I have no clue if it actually works!). We have four each (the tin is huge), and while they bake, I continue writing my fanfiction.

After we eat, Chester and I wash up, well, Chester does. I mostly play with the bubbles. He laughs, watching me make the bubbles into mini sculptures.

I grin at him, just before putting my sculpture on his head. He takes some of the bubbles, and pours them onto my head. That's when it becomes a war. By the end, we're both drenched, for the third day in a row.

I go have a shower, and wash out the bubbles. After my shower, I go to Parker's room. He's lying on the bed, typing on his phone.

"Hi Parker" I say

"Hey Els... I mean Isla" Did he just almost call me Elsa? No, I must be hallucinating again.

Parker POV

Damn, I nearly blew my cover. Hopefully Isla doesn't notice my slip up.

I quickly change my screen as she lies down on the bed. Her hair is wet.

"Dry your hair"

She walks off, then comes back after a couple of minutes.

"Why was it wet?" I ask.

"Chester and I were having a bubble fight in the kitchen"


She walks off into her room, so I open WhatsApp again. Elsa's sent me a picture.

"That you?" I text to her.

She types back a reply, "Yeah, as a baby"

I study the picture. Her baby self is very pale, but cute as well. She's holding a phone, and staring at it intently. She must look like similar to Isla, except for her facial features.

Isla POV

I watch from my window, as Parker talks to someone on his phone. He seems very interested in the conversation, and he's... Blushing? Wow, I've never seen him blush. I wonder who he's talking to, to get that expression.

He seems to be in deep conversation, so I text Chester.

"The coast is clear" I message him.

He comes in, and sits next to me.

"Your gift, dear maiden" he says, handing me a rose. It's pink, and looks fresh. Like it was only recently bloomed. I flush, giving him a quick kiss, and putting the rose on the desk. We cuddle for a bit, then I grab Mark of Athena off my shelf. We go downstairs and sit on the sofa. I open it to the ending, which was a bad decision, because I'm soon in tears. I forgot that Uncle Rick let Percabeth fall into Tartarus.

Chester hugs me, seeing my tears.

"It's alright" he says

"No it's not, Percabeth fell into Tartarus!"

"Yeah, but just remember that they come out, and they're closer than ever afterwards, that's what I do"

It works. I stop crying, and Chester wipes the tears away. I suddenly hope our relationship doesn't fall into Tartarus, even though I don't think that's possible.

Parker POV

I look up into the house. Isla's lights are on. That's when I remember my slip up. Hopefully Isla's forgotten. I go back inside, up to my room. I lie on the bed, thinking about Elsa and Isla and everything else.

I'm pretty sure she hasn't though. It's gnawing at my mind. Like an annoying fly right next to my ear. The papers strewn on my desk aren't helping much either. I go over to clean them up, and order my clothes in my closet.

My issue is still eating away at me. I realise how much she's a carbon copy of me, and that she won't forget anything. Especially if it is suspicious. She overthinks every part of every detail.

I should tell her. But I'm still afraid of her reaction. What will she say? Will she hate Elsa? How do I tell her? These things are attacking my mind. This isn't helping. Maybe I should just go ahead and say it. Yes, that works.

No, I can't just go in and say, "I met a girl online, and I fell in love, please accept her."

Isla won't stand it, I have to think about how to say it. I pace around the room, thinking up what to say.

After a bit of pacing, I've figured out a game plan. I walk over to the door. Breathe, Parker. I take a deep breath, then exhale, and go down the stairs...


They jump apart, looking sheepish and scared at the same time. I start shouting.


He looks away, and puts his hands over his ears. I suddenly realise why,


"YES I CAN!" I shout back "I AM YOUR BROTHER!" And you're only parental figure, I add silently.

She starts really screaming "SO WHAT! I WILL DATE WHO I LIKE!" She's really loud, almost shattering my eardrums.


She breaks down, and runs off upstairs. I notice the tears in Chester's eyes as well.

"Well done" he says, "You've lost her for life" And he goes up the stairs, wiping away his own tears.

I collapse onto the sofa, realising my mistake. What have I done?

AN: I'm honestly dying of heartbreak. That last bit was so hard to write. Hopefully, we can survive long enough to finish the story. Bye

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