Chapter 7: Running wild (pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Hoped blushed.

"Hey, what are you two whispering about?" Rebekah asked suddenly, causing everyone to finally stop arguing over them, and turn to look at them.

Hope coughed, "We were just testing the bond out. Seeing what information we can share."

"And?" Freya asked.

"We can't hear each other's thoughts," Josie answered.

"But there is general knowledge coming through the bond. Simple stuff like spells we both know and tv shows apparently."

"But we can't send certain things through the bond."

"It's more like we just know things, when we need to know them most," Hope summed up. "Though I don't know why the bond would want me to know about Scooby Doo."

Caroline snorted.

"Mom," Josie said warningly.

"What? I didn't say a word," Caroline said, throwing her hands in the air.

Hope looked to Josie curiously. "What don't you want me to know?"

Josie blushed again. "I..." she coughed. "Scooby Doo was your code name... for when I wanted to talk about you... without Lizzie knowing."


"It was your necklace," Josie explained. "You always had it on, and I was obsessed with Scooby Doo, who wore a tag with a S on it, and I was seven. It made sense to me then."

"That's bloody adorable," Rebekah gushed. "You had a crush on Hope all the way back then. Maybe there's more to this bond than we realized."

"Auntie Bex," Hope whined. Then looked over at her girlfriend who was suddenly feeling very guilty again. "Did you have a crush on me?"

Josie bit her lip and nodded her head.

"But you..."

"Not now girls," Caroline said quietly. She understood this wasn't a conversation for them to have in front of their entire family. She turned back to the rest of the group. "So... Now that everyone is caught up on everything, do we have questions?"

"Just one," Davina said. "How is the bond completed."

Josie and Hope both blushed heavily at that question. Freya and Alaric both groaned, Keelin looked away, while everyone else, except Caroline, looked confused.

"Sex," Caroline says casually. She had come to terms with the fact that her daughters were at that age now. It had taken a couple of days, but she found peace with it. Well, she was able to put the idea into a neat little box and bury the ick factor away. "Speaking of which. Have you gotten the spell right to see if Hope can impregnant my daughter?"

As one Kol, Marcel, and Davina yelled, "What?" Then each began talking over each other, all the while Josie was looking at Hope with wide questioning eyes, and Hope looked like she was trying very hard to disappear.

After a few moments, a loud whistle sounded through the room, causing everyone with supernatural hearing to cringe. "To clarify," Alaric said calmly, though you could see on his face that he wished he was about to say anything else. "It was brought to question the possibility that Hope's tribrid genes might, and this is a very big might, be able to..." He cleared his throat. "Get a girl pregnant."

"This is actually a thing," Josie whispered.

Hope nodded her head lightly. "I was going to tell you once we knew for sure," she said.

Josie's mouth dropped open in shock. "Wow."

"Uh huh," Hope agreed.

"Everyone can relax," Freya said. "When Keelin and I return to the school, I will perform the spell. Then we'll know for certain that she is just a normal girl with a normal reproductive system. We are only contemplating the possibility because we'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Nothing about me is normal," Hope chuckled dryly.

"Well here's to hoping your lady bits are," Rebekah said, and held her mug up.

Hope groaned and covered her eyes with her hand. She was ready to get back to her normal life, whatever that may be. She looked over at Josie.

"Freya," Kol said gathering the room's attention. He looked very much like an uncle who wanted to change the subject. Fast. "I've heard of this Malivore before, while I was traveling through Africa. There was a small clan of witches who were being hunted by an agent of Malivore. I wrote down everything they taught me. It was centuries ago, but the book should still be in the Claire crypt."

"Uncle Kol," Hope groaned. "We've been looking for information for weeks, and you've had it this entire time."

"Well you bloody well didn't bother telling me where the creatures were coming from. I have a thousand years of information stored in up here. I needed a little more information than creatures that don't exist are attacking us because your bloody boyfriend stole a knife."

"He's not my..." Hope growled, then took a deep breath.

"I guess this'll teach ya to call me more often," Kol sniped playfully. "Davina will send some of her blood so you can get in the crypt, but don't go bloody stealing any of my dark objects."

"Wouldn't dream of it, baby brother," Freya quipped with a sweet smile.

"You better not," he insisted. "Hope darling. I'll call you tomorrow, and you can tell me all about the pretty girl sitting next to you. Josie, for better or worse, welcome to the family." Davina waved lightly at them then their screen went blank.

"Marcel," Alaric said, shifting the groups attention to him. "Any news yet?"

"No portal here, or at the last three places," he said. "I'm starting to think this is just a standard magical clean up crew, but I've only checked black out sites. I'm heading into an active site tonight. We'll know better then."

"Let us know first chance you get," Alaric said. "We're pretty sure we've found a place for the girls to put the key's magic."

"And I'm almost positive we've found a way to, not only close the Malivore portal, but destroy the hell dimension all together."

"What will happen to all the creatures stuck there?" Hope asked.

"They'll move on, hopefully to a peaceful place," Freya said.

"So, no more permanent death?" Josie inquired.

"They'll be able to move on to a better afterlife, but I can't say for sure if the creature's existence will return to the collective conscious. Perhaps it will, but since some of these creatures have been gone for centuries, it's likely there aren't many people still left behind to remember them."

"That's sad," lamented Josie.

"Just think of them finally being able to find peace," Hope said quietly to her. Josie smiled weakly.

"I'm going to go retrieve Kol's books and double check all our information. Once we know for sure there is only one portal, we can make plans to close it. Which sounds a lot easier than it is actually going to be. There is a small army of humans guarding the portal. We'll need a small army of our own."

"And we will," Hope declared.

"Hope..." Alaric began.

"No," Hope interrupted. "This started with us, so it's going to be finished with us."

"Hope," Freya said, gathering her niece's attention. "We'll discuss it when the time comes. For now, just go be a normal supernatural teen, and spend some time with your girlfriend."

Hope looked like she wanted to argue, which is exactly what she wanted to do, but she knew it was futile at that moment. Instead, she nodded her head and grabbed Josie's hand. "Fine."

She got up to leave pausing only to offer her hand to Josie who accepted it. They left together and made their way to Josie's room. Lizzie was in the room waiting, so Hope offered to give them a little time alone. She gave her a kiss on the lips, then reminded her to be ready at six for their date.

Josie smiled widely and said, "I'll be ready, monsters be damned."

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