Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


She stood before her parents that sat on the big golden thrones in the throne room. The room was big and was often used as a ballroom when it was needed. Her father was still handsome for his age. He had a full head of golden blonde hair that was turning silver on the edges. Archaena had got her father's golden blonde hair but also her mother's wavy hair. Her father was also somewhat slim but strong, it was maybe from all the rides he took and the sparring sessions he usually did with the knights. Even after all the exercising he did it was not enough to keep away his actually body for his age because a small but evident pot belly was forming on him. Age did that to the human body and it is something that should be embraced.

Archanea studied her father's face and he had as always had a serious face on. Her mother's stories on how her father could be happy and joking with her mother in the private was something Arcaena usually did not believe. He had always been serious in her presence and none of her memories of her dearest father was with a smile on. Her mother who sat beside him had a smug look on her face. Whatever reason her father had called her for was not something Archaena would like by the look of her mother's face and her sister's annoyed face. Her sister was standing beside the thrones wearing a dark red dress that flowed around her. Red was her favorite color but it did not suit her well in Archaenas opinion. Archaenas favorite color was all shades of blue and a gentleman in the court once said she suited the color. It made her pleased.

"You have been summoned here because we have some important matters to talk about" Her father said.
"Archaena my daughter, you have now been 18 for some months and me and your mother have talked about arranging a marriage for you with a powerful and known lord. We have found a suitable man for you and the arrangements for a marriage have been made. You are gonna marry Lord Deltan in four months and you have no saying in it" Archaena was shocked, she had expected that this would happen soon but not this soon. However she would not accept this even if her father told her she had no say in it. She would not marry some lord who she have never met. The thought of the wedding night made her sick. Archaena stormed out of the throne room and her steps led her towards her chamber. That exploring in the unknown woods sounded very tempting right now.

Archaena had packed a back with some necessary items for a long trip. She had a sack of some gold coins that would be enough for the trip there and home. The bag also consisted of some food and a spare change of clothes. Archaena had locked the room to her door and placed a chair under the handle so that nobody from the outside could come in. She had changed from her beautiful blue gown into some high riding boots, riding pants, a comfortable shirt and most importantly a coat with a hood that covered her face. Everything was ready for her trip and the only thing now left for her was to wait for everybody in the castle to fall asleep.

Sneaking through the castle at night had become a normal thing for Archaena. She would sometimes sneak out when she needed some fresh air. It usually happens after an argument with her parents. She would often be away for two days and when she comes home her parents would yield to her after a short discussion. They are sometimes very loving with her. Mostly because she is the heir and they know that her sister would not make a good job being the queen. She hoped her parents would also yield this time. To make sure of that her trip would need to last for more than two days. Archaena had counted in her head that it would take around a week riding to the woods but it was the exploring of the woods that was interesting. A small part of the woods would maybe take four days exploring. It all depends on the weather and how the woods actually look like. She hoped it would come out like it was drawn on the map. It looked more modern than any part of her kingdom.

Archaena had befriended the stable workers and they knew of her trips after arguments with her parents. She hoped that they would let her ride away this time. Standing outside the big oak doors to the stable was her stable friend Tom. He was one year younger than her and was a worker in the stable. Tom was one of the workers who she had clicked with the most. She could describe him like a younger brother to her even though he was taller and more built than her.

"Rumors travel fast in this castle and I heard a rumor that the king has arranged a marriage with you and the Lord Deltan. So I made my way here because if the rumors were true then you would have one of your usual escapes, am I right your highness?" Tom said and bowed jokingly. He had a playful smile but it disappeared when he noticed that her face was all serious, like her father.
"That's not the happy girl I know! What happened to my cheerful sister!" He was still joking with her but it was not making her serious face go away.

"Tom this is not the time for jokes. I really need to leave and alone." She made a pointing look at him. "I will not accept my father's command and I will be gone for some time." Archaena walked past him and opened the heavy stable doors. She made her way towards her horse stall. Tom was walking after her and she could feel his questioning look on her back.
"It sounds that you will be gone for some time. Are you sure that you have enough food?" He had a concerned tone on his voice and she was happy he supported her leave.
"I can always hunt or buy something on the way Tom" She said and showed him her bag of gold and sword. She had taken her favorite sword with her on the way to the stable when she passed the weapon room. It is not safe to be unarmed on a long trip, especially for a young lady who travels alone. Her sword was hidden behind her cape in case somebody was looking closely at her. She also had some hunting knives in her riding boots in case she lost her sword.

Archaena opened the gates to her horse stall. She had trained him herself from when he was a foal to know at five years old. He was still young but with the help of the master trainer her beautiful boy was almost at the end of his basic training. Allegro neighed when he saw her and walked towards her. He buffed at her outstretched hands looking for some sweets. She patted him on his long forehead and placed a kiss on his white mark at the middle of his forehead. Allegro was almost a pure black horse but the white mark on his forehead and the three socks on his legs was not letting him. But she liked him with his marks and would not want him any other way. He was a strong and tall horse even at a young age. She could only dream of how big he would be at a full grown age.

"Can you bring me his tack please? I want to ride as fast as possible." Archaena looked at Tom with a pleading look. He could never resist that look.

Tom had helped her tack Allegro up. He had added a saddlebag of apples and a hoof pick so that Archaena could take care of him on the way. She hoped that she would pass a pub or some other inn so that Allegro could eat some good food and get strength. If that was not the case then she had some apples and the grass would work fine for him for awhile.

"Take care Ena and I will be waiting here for you." He gave her a small smile and then opened the big gates out and the dirt road came in view. The main road was her main lead and it stretched far away until it turned and she was not able to see it anymore.
"By Tom, I will see you soon. Don't worry." Archaena said and looked at him one last time before she kicked Allegro into a canter and rode away into the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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