"Jake?" He questioned, "Seriously?"

The outfit and accessories were ready for the day, now I could do my makeup and drink the green smoothie Mrs. Quake made for me. It awaited me in the bedroom, still looking very intimidating from my bedside table. I strolled out of the closet, pretending I didn't quite understand why Jacob was astonished by the little pet name.

"Should I call you babe then?" I asked, "Or honey or handsome?" I quickened my pace when I noticed Jacob was right behind me, ready to catch up with me, "What do you prefer? I like Jake a lot."

Jacob brushed his hands over his jacket again, maybe a force of habit to keep himself looking as pristine as possible.

"You know you sometimes call me Jake when I give you an orgasm too many."

My cheeks heated at hearing how casual he was about our sex life. There was nothing casual about it. It wasn't the same as when he fucked his personal assistant. Passionate and breath-taking, definitely always pleasurable. When I met his stormy gaze I could tell the guy was messing with me. I rolled my eyes at him which caused him to laugh.

The sound was so pleasant so early in the morning.

"Don't you have to head to the office?"

He glanced at his watch and then flickered his eyes to me, "I do, actually." He playfully glared at me when I smiled cheekily knowing I had won this battle, "I'll make sure a security team will be here in an hour. That's plenty of time for you to get ready, right?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

He stepped to me, placing his hand on my hip and turning me to him. Without warning he kissed me, it was deep and wet and way too passionate for someone who was ready to head to the office. When he pulled away I was out of breath and completely dazed.

That had been his intention all along.

"Have fun today."

"I want to say you too." I breathed, "But I don't want you to have too much fun at the office. I won't be okay with that just so you know."

He sighed, "You have a lot more of those to say to me?" He asked, "Because then please let it all out at once."

I shook my head, "No, that was the last of that."

"Good." His eyes narrowed on me, "I won't have too much fun at the office. I have a needy fiancée at home who demands more than three orgasms when I fuck her."

I brushed him off, "Go away now, please."

The last thing I heard was Jacob chuckling. That definitely distracted him from what I was actually doing in our closet. I hadn't made plans with Joy but I could just pay her a visit to the coffee shop if she had a shift today. If she didn't have a shift today we could do some shopping together, hopefully.


Joy and I were meeting up at her apartment first, she wasn't quite ready to head out to do some shopping. She made me coffee and while she was getting ready Lucas showed up. That wasn't awkward at all. I sat on the living room couch while he had a quick chat with Joy. My heart raced when I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Good morning." Lucas greeted.

I looked up from my cup and met his gaze, "Morning." I replied quietly.

His eyes lingered on my cup, "I actually need a coffee before I get to work." He made his way to Joy's kitchen, moving around confidently because he knew where everything was. He joined me a few minutes later, sitting beside me which made this even more awkward, "So you're all over the internet right now. Even Polly mentioned you."

I clutched my cup tighter, "It happened before we were together."

"Did you know about it when you chose him?"

I did know about it, Nick warned me and then Jacob told me about it himself. I didn't have the guts to tell Lucas that but I didn't want to lie to him either. I wondered if he used coffee as an excuse to talk to me, to rub in that he never would have done something like that to me.

It wouldn't have made a difference though.

"I knew about it"

Lucas glanced at me, "And you still chose him."

I held even tighter onto my cup as I met Lucas' gaze, "You might not believe it but I'm happy with Jacob. We're getting married in three months and we had the baby talk already. We're moving forward. This thing is just a little hurdle along the way."

"It's good that you're so positive about it because that little hurdle won't go away with you just ignoring it. You'll need to be strong to survive this."

"Jacob and I can manage."

Lucas didn't look convinced but I didn't need him to be. This was something Jacob and I would deal with, my ex-boyfriend wasn't part of it. If he wanted to gloat about this whole ordeal than I wouldn't hold it against him. I knew he was upset when I broke things off with him. This would maybe help him feel better about what happened between us.

"That's good then." Lucas finished his coffee and moved to the kitchen, "I'm off to work, let Joy know, okay?"

"Sure," I called when Lucas strolled out without another word or glance.

Joy met up with me a few minutes later, looking at me with guilty eyes, "I didn't know he was going to come around, I thought he'd come over tonight.'

"It's fine." I brushed off, "I mean it was awkward but that's it."

Joy grinned at me, "So a wedding and then kids, what else did I miss?"

I couldn't tell her that I said those things to Lucas to make myself feel better. He wanted to rub it in that Jacob already fucked up so I wanted to rub it in that Jacob made me happy despite the drama. We were both a bit childish but I'm sure after a while we could let it go. At least I hoped we could.

"Yes, but that all happens next year. This year I'm focusing on Christmas."

Thankfully the talk about Christmas distracted her enough to let go of the subject of me and Jacob. We left her apartment, taking the car Jacob arranged for me this morning. Joy made plans for Christmas too. She'd, of course, spend it together with Lucas and Owen. I would lie if I said that I wasn't going to miss it. They were good people and I did love spending time with them. Yet my first Christmas I wanted to spend with Jacob without it becoming weird and awkward. So I had to face the fact that I wouldn't see any of them. Maybe I could invite my family over but mom made things weird and awkward too.

Maybe dad could reel her in.

I would worry about that later, this morning I would try and find as many cute decoration items to make the penthouse look like the Christmas elves threw up on it. Jacob would probably hate it but something told me he would tolerate it for my sake.

He was cute like that.

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