Where Do We Go from Here?

Start from the beginning

"We were thinking of visiting Jess and Matt in the hospital. You coming?" Chris asks and she nods. "You going now?" She asks. "Yeah. If you don't mind I would like to stay here." Emily says and Dani raises a brow. "You good with, Matt?" Dani questions. "That prick left me to save himself." Emily says and Dani sighs. "Yeah. That's fine. Want company?" She questions. "If you want." Emily says and she nods.

"Say hi for me. I'm really tired and want to lie down." Dani says. In reality she knew she couldn't face seeing Mike with Jessica right now. She was happy for the both of them but it didn't mean she had to actively watch. "You sure?" Ashley asks and she nods. "Yeah. My head really hurts." Dani answers. "Can we borrow your car?" Sam asks. "You still have the keys." Dani says and Sam smirks.

"Thought I'd ask first. We'll bring food when we come back." Sam says. They leave and Dani tiredly sits on the bed. "So why are you staying. Michael issues?" Emily questions as she sits beside her and Dani's head shoots up. "What?" Dani questions and Emily scoffs. "Please. We both know that you're too smart to play dumb." Emily says and Dani sighs. "There's nothing to say, Em. I don't go after people who are already in a relationship." Dani says.

"Whatever you say." Emily says. "So what did happen with Matt?" Dani asks. "He left me to save himself." Emily says. "Well shit. We haven't really been friends have we? Why is that?" Dani asks and Emily smirks. "Honestly? I know you think I'm a bitch and I hated your friendship with Michael. But now? I don't know why we shouldn't be." Emily says and Dani can't help but laugh.

"It's settled then. We're friends." Dani says and Emily smiles. "Yeah. I never said thank you. For getting us through that night." Emily says. "Wasn't me. We all worked together so don't sell yourself short." She replies and Emily nods. "You're right. I'm awesome." Emily says and Dani nods. "You are. Want to grab a drink while we wait?" Dani asks. "Aren't you not supposed to have anything?" Emily asks and Dani sighs.

"Yeah. TV it is." Dani says and Emily shrugs. "How about you walk me through your job?I'm curious about a lot." Emily says. "I'm an open book. Ask what you want." Dani says. Dani spends the next couple of hours talking about hunting with Emily before the others return. "That Chinese?" Dani asks as they come in. "Yeah. Figured you would be hungry. Glad you two didn't kill each other." Mike says.

"Not at all. We've got to know each other really well." Emily says as she slings her arm over Dani's shoulder. "It was all a misunderstanding. We're best of buds now." Dani says with a smirk. "Don't look too panicked, Michael. Here are your keys" Sam teases as she places Dani's keys on the dresser by her phone. They set up food and Dani makes up a plate before taking a seat beside Sam.

Dani watches her friends as she eats, she still felt like something was missing. Not everyone was here and it was hard to fill that void. "What movie did you guys want to watch tonight?" Chris asks, breaking into her thoughts. "Can we address the elephant in the room first?" Ashley says. "Which is?" Dani asks. "What you do. I don't know about anyone else but I want to know more." Ashley says.

"I told Emily I was open book so feel free." Dani answers. "Vampires?" Chris questions. "Real. They don't sparkle." Dani answers. "Werewolves?" Sam asks. "Also real. Very hard to kill." Dani says. "How do you get your info?" Mike asks. "Other hunters, experience, and a lot of research." Dani says and she spends the next little while answering more questions. "I'm going to get some ice for the drinks." Dani says as she heads to the door.

"I'll come with you." Mike says and follows her out. "We kinda just barged in on you and pried, huh?" Mike says as they head to the ice machine. "Yeah, I was looking forward to being alone but this is nice too." She says. "I never asked but what did you end up telling the cops about what happened?" Mike asks and Dani looks at him. "I know my way around law enforcement so nothing on my end." She says as they reach the machine.

Mike opens it and Dani uses the scoop to put ice in the bucket. "We made a good team back there." Mike says and Dani can't help but smile. "Yeah." She says. "We still need to have that talk from earlier." Mike says and she puts the scoop back before looking at him. "Why? The past is the past, Mike. Neither one of us can change the fact that we hooked up and that I left for a few weeks before finding out you and Emily were an item." Dani says and Mike sighs. "You left, Dani. I thought it had to do with what happened so I dated Emily to show you it meant nothing to me when in reality it did." Mike says and Dani glares at him. "Had a funny way of showing it. Drop the subject." She says.

Mike catches Dani off guard when he moves forward and kisses her. Mike's hands cup her cheeks and Dani goes to wrap her arms around him. She drops the bucket in the process and the clatter of the bucket knocks some sense into her. "Mike, stop. Your girlfriend is in the hospital so we should be doing this and there's no need to have this conversation. We can forget your lapse in judgment here and we can also forgot about my momentary lapse of judgment in the sanatorium, okay? Grab the ice." Dani says before walking off.

Dani didn't want to forget about it but she needed to. Forgetting and closing off were her best defence mechanisms so that she could deal with her world. That world couldn't involve Michael Munroe and the feelings Dani seemed to still have for him. Dani reaches the motel room and goes back inside. Sam gives her a look and Dani shakes her head. "Where's the ice?" Chris questions and smirks.

"Mike's bringing it. I forgot I needed to make a quick call. Excuse me for a second." Dani says before grabbing her cell and going into the bathroom. She takes a few minutes to compose herself before calling her contact. "Hey, Dani. What can I help you with?" Dean asks. "Do you have a case for me?" She questions. "Didn't you just get out of a hard stint?" He questions and Dani sighs.

"Yeah. But I'm feeling antsy and need an out." Dani says. "Okay. I have something for you. I'll send you the address." He says. "Thanks, Dean." She says before hanging up. Dani leaves the bathroom and joins the others, making eye contact with Mike before quickly looking away. "Everything okay?" Sam asks. "I have a new case so I need to pack up. The room is paid for for the next few days if anyone wants to stay." Dani says.

"Another case already? You need to recover, Dani." Chris says and she shrugs. "Unfortunately recovering isn't always an option for a hunter. I promise I won't be a stranger and come back in a few weeks, okay?" Dani tells him. "You better. Hunter or not I will hunt your ass down." Chris says and she can't help but laugh. "You've got it." She says before she starts to pack up her things.

Dani hugs her friends goodbye when she's done, saving Mike for last. "I'll see you around. Say hi to Jess for me." Dani says and he holds onto her tightly. "I will." Mike says. Dani heads to the door and looks at her friends one last time before leaving. She heads to her car and puts her bag in the trunk. "Are you leaving because of me?" Mike questions and she tenses. She turns to face him and for once is unsure whether or not she should tell him the truth.

"I just need to get out of here and think. Working on a case helps with that." She says, opting for a half truth. "I can tell when you're bullshitting, Dani. You don't need to leave because of me." Mike says and Dani gives a wry smile. "Stay safe, okay?" Dani says and despite herself leans up to kiss his cheek. She hops into her car and starts it before driving off. She looks at Mike in her rear view mirror and can't help but think she's making a mistake.



Charitable - 5/10

Funny - 7/10

Honest - 7/10

Brave - 10/10

Romantic - 6/10

Curious - 9/10


Sam - 10/10

Ashley - 9/10

Chris - 10/10

Josh - 8/10

Jess - 5/10

Mike - 9/10

Emily - 6/10

Matt - 5/10

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