Where Do We Go from Here?

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Chapter Warnings: Swearing

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Chapter Warnings: Swearing

Dani starts to come to and she registers the warmth on her backside before she opens her eyes. She turns her head and sees Mike sound asleep with his arm around her waist. She looks forward and sees Sam smirking before Dani rolls her eyes. "Let's go grab coffee for everyone." Dani says and Sam nods. Sam gets out of bed and Dani carefully moves Mike's arm before getting out of bed.

Dani and Sam quickly change clothes before Dani plugs in the burner to charge it. She leaves the motel with Sam before heading to her car. "Shut up." Dani says and Sam laughs. "I didn't say anything. Give me your keys. You're not supposed to drive." Sam says and Dani rolls her eyes but tosses them to her anyways. Sam unlocks her side before climbing in. She reaches over and unlocks Dani's door before Dani climbs in.

Dani buckles up as Sam starts the car before putting in her own seatbelt. Sam starts to drive and Dani looks out the window. "Sooooo, you and Mike?" Sam questions answered Dani groans before looking at her. "I said shut up." Dani says and Sam laughs. "Come on, who am I going to tell?" Sam asks and Dani sighs. "There's nothing to say, Sam. Mike is in a relationship and I'm not that kind of person." Dani says.

"I know. It just seems like there's something there and I don't think I'm the only one who noticed that." Sam says. "Doesn't matter. He's dating Jessica and she's been through a lot. " Dani says. "So have you and so has Mike. We all have." Sam says and Dani bites her lip. "Still doesn't change what I said." Dani says as Sam pulls into a coffee shop. "Just think about it. Okay?" Sam says and Dani sighs as she takes her seatbelt off.

"No promises." Dani says before getting out. She goes towards the coffee shop door and Adam joins her. They order coffee and pastries for everyone before going back to the car. "I'm sorry about, Josh." Dani finally says as she places the coffee on the roof. "What?" Sam says as she looks at Dani. "I'm sorry about what happened. I should have went back for him and I didn't." Dani says and she's surprised when Sam pulls her in for a hug.

"It's not your fault, Dani. It's not. You were hurt and we all did the best we could. You can't blame yourself for it." Sam tells her and Dani bites her lip to prevent the tears that want to fall. She did. Even if Sam told her not to. "Let's get back to the others." Dani says and Sam lets her go. "Okay. Let's go. " Sam says before walking away. Dani grabs the coffee tray and climbs in to the car. She keeps the coffees on her lap as she buckles up.

"I can keep the other ones steady in the middle." Dani says and Sam places them on the centre console. She keeps her hand on the tray as Sam buckles in before driving off. They make it back to the motel with the coffees in one piece. They bring them to the motel room where the others are now awake. "We have treats." Dani says. They hand out the coffees and pastries before Dani goes to her phone and she sees a message from her contact.

Dani responds with everything that happened and that she was taking a small break to recoup. "Everything good?" Mike asks and she looks at him. "Yeah. Just checking in with a friend." Dani says as she puts the phone back on the dresser. Dani goes to join the others, knowing it wasn't smart to be left alone with Mike. Especially since she was trying to suppress her feelings again. "So what's the plan today?" Dani asks.

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