Every Story Has A Beginning

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Danielle Castillo enters the kitchen before she sees Josh and Chris. "Hey, Dani! Come join us." Chris says and she raises a brow. "Why in the world would I do that?" She questions. "Come on, Castillo. Have a seat. Stay a while." Josh says and Danielle rolls her eyes. "Fine. Only because this is your cabin and you are much more fun than Emily." She says before sitting at one of the stools.

"Alright, Washington. What is it you want to do?" She questions and he grins before going to the cabinet. "Play a game." Josh says as he pulls out a bottle of Jeremiah Cragg. "What game would that be?" She questions. "Quarters." Josh says and she laughs. "That did not end well the last time." She says and he shrugs. "You chickening out?" Chris asks and she jokingly glares at him. "Fuck it." She says and the two boys cheer.

Dani had nothing to lose at this point and she was here to forget about the current predicament that was her life. "Who's up first?" She asks as Josh fills three glasses while Chris puts a shot glass in the middle of the counter. "Ladies first." He says as he places the glass in front of her. "Have a quarter?" She asks and he digs into his pocket before handing her one. She throws the quarter and it bounces off the counter and into the glass.

"Chris, why don't you have the honour of first drink?" She questions and Chris groans. "This is going to be a really long night." Chris says before downing his drink. "Not my problem that you chose a game I'm good at." Dani says with a shrug before sinking her next shot. "Your turn, Josh." She says with a wink. "Okay, okay. We're going to play a new game." Josh says after Dani got her fourth shot in a row.

"I agree." Chris says and she leans on the counter. "Fine. Let's simplify it for you. We will just flip the coin and if you get it wrong, you drink. If you get it right then the other two drink." Dani says and Chris shrugs. "Works for me." Chris says. "Heads or tails?" Josh asks her. "Heads." She says and he flips the coin. "God dammit, Dani." Josh says and she sees the heads before laughing. The two boys drink before it's Chris' turn and her luck for the night turned.

Before Dani knew it they drank the entire bottle. Chris and Josh were almost passed out and she felt like she wasn't far behind. Dani gets off the stool and almost stumbles back before she's met with a solid mass. She looks up and grins when she sees Mike. "Hi, Mikey." She says and he smirks. "Mikey? Someone's drunk." He says. "Nope." She says and he sighs before picking her up.

"Let's get you to bed." Mike says and she groans. "You're no fun." She says and he chuckles. "You'll thank me in the morning." He says and she sighs before leaning into him. "Fine. You win." She says before he carries her to the room she's staying in. "Get some sleep, Dani." Mike says as he gently places me on it. "Under the covers. Come on." Mike says and she kicks off her shoes. "I'm not a child." Dani says and he rolls his eyes. "You are currently drunk though." He says and pulls the covers over her. "Night, Dani." Mike says. "Night, Mikey." She mumbles as she starts to drift off.

An hour later
"Hannah!" Dani hears and groans. Who was yelling? She gets out of bed and feels a wave of dizziness. She leaves the room and heads towards where she heard the commotion, the door. "It was just a prank, Han!" She hears Emily yell. "What did you do?" Beth demands. "We were just messing around, Beth. It wasn't serious—" Mike says. "You jerks!" Beth yells. "Hannah! Hannah!" Beth yells and she reaches them just as she runs off. "So, should we go after her?" Mike asks.

"Y'Know I kinda think you're the last person she wants to see right now, Mike." Sam says. "What happened?" Dani asks as she goes outside. "They pulled a really shitty prank on Hannah." Sam says and she sighs. "Way to go guys." She says before starting to go after them. She feels an arm wrap around her waist before pulling her back in. "Put me down, Mike!" She growls before he puts her on her feet.

"Think about this. You aren't wearing any shoes or a jacket. You'll freeze out there and I'm sure they'll be back soon." Mike says and she sighs. "You better be right." I murmur before heading to the kitchen. Josh needed to know.

That was the last anyone saw of Beth or Hannah Washington.

Escape From Blackwood Mountain (Until Dawn - OC x Mike)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon