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Chapter 7: Madness

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Chapter 7: Madness

Chapter Warnings: Violence and swearing

Dani hears a noise behind her and turns her head before she sees the flaming wendigo. "Mike, run faster!" Dani yells. "Shit! Come on!" Mike yells and they sprint. She could hear the wendigo giving chase and she feels the adrenaline coursing through her. The adrenaline helped her push through her throbbing head and other injuries as they ran. Dani pulls out her gun and shoots behind her. One of the bullets makes contact and slows it down enough for them to have a better lead.

Dani tries to pull the trigger again but she hears the audible click and swears. "You have any other bullets?" Dani asks as she pockets her gun. Mike attempts to shoot but it clicks empty. "Here!" Dani says as she digs into her jacket pocket and pulls out the ones she stuffed in them earlier. Mike tries to load the shotgun but he fumbles with the shells and drops them. "Shit!" Mike yells and slows down but Dani grabs his arm.

"Don't stop running! It's not going to kill it." Dani snaps. "In there!" Mike yells and she sees the door ahead. Dani assumed and hoped it led to the mines so that they could get Josh and get the hell out. The wendigo continues to screech as Dani reaches the door first. "Hurry up!" She yells and Mike reaches her. "Goddammit!!! Stay out there!" Mike yells as he comes in and Dani goes to slam the door. She feels the resistance of the wendigo and Mike rushes forward but he's too late.

The wendigo forces the door open and Dani goes flying back into Mike. The force of her hitting Mike sends them both flying to the ground and she hears the shotgun hit the ground before sliding away. "Dani! Mike!" Dani hears Sam yell before the Wendigo jumps on her. Dani grabs its arm to keep it away from her face but it lurches its face forward in an attempt to bite her. "Hey! Fatty! Over here!" She hears Sam yell. Dani sees a pipe hit the wendigo.

The blow causes the wendigo to move off her before Sam swings again. The wendigo lurches at her but Sam makes contact with the wendigo's head first. The wendigo's head goes flying off its body before it falls back. That's when Dani becomes aware that she is on top of Mike still and rolls off him. Mike jumps to his feet before hurrying to the door. Sam helps Dani to her feet as Mike puts the shotgun through the slot.

Dani places her hands on her knees and takes a few deep breaths. "Thanks." She says as she looks up at Sam. "No problem." Sam says before she sees the flaming flying head again. "You alright?" Mike asks and she feels his hand on her side. "Yeah. I landed on you so are you good?" She asks and Mike smirks. "You know me. I'm always good when a girl's on top." Mike says and she rolls her eyes.

"Looks like some things never change." Sam says and Mike smirks. "Nope. You alright?" He asks her. "Define alright." Sam says. "Alive for a start." Mike says. "Yeah. Yeah, alive is good!" Sam retorts. "What are you doing here anyway?" Dani asks as she stands upright. "And where are the others? We told you to stay in the safe room." Mike says. "Well I was gonna warn you about the wendigos." Sam says.

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